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低涡 基本解释



低涡 双语例句

1. 认为影响这次强降水主要是由于地面倒槽锋面活动和中低层低涡切变共同影响造成的;特殊的地理情况为形成安化暴雨中心形成触发条件与有利于水汽辐合的作用。
    The heavy rainfall that the impact was mainly due to frontal surface trough and low-level activities and the vortex caused by the combined effect of shear; unique geographical conditions for the formation of an rainstorm center of the formation of trigger conditions and is conducive to the role of moisture convergence.

2. 西太平洋副高、南亚高压、低纬系统、高空急流、低空大风速轴;西风槽和高原槽、低涡、冷锋、青海湖锢囚锋以及中尺度低压、青海热低压、切变线与辐合线、中尺度云团等系统是高原东北部地区大到暴雨的主要相关系统。100hPa上的南亚高压中心强度加强,位置东西摆动预示高原地区将有降水产生,中心强度减弱,降水过程结束。
    The main relative systems of heavy-hard rainfall in northeast plateau are Western Pacific Subtropical High, South Asia High, Low Latitude Systems, Upper Level Jet, Low Level Greater Wind Speed Axes, Westerly Trough and Plateau Trough, Low Level Vortex, Cold Frontal, Occluded Front in Qinghai Lake, Mesoscale Low Pressure, Heat Low-Pressure in Qinghai, shear line and convergence line, mesoscale cloud cluster, etc.

3. 数值模拟结果表明:本次暴雨过程具有较强的中尺度特征,暴雨区上空低层近东西向的切变线及其强烈的辐合上升运动和高空急流核人口处右侧的辐散上升运动的耦合,是导致中β尺度低涡迅速发展而产生此次特大暴雨的触发机制,西南急流和低空偏东风回流的水汽输送以及层结不稳定对这次特大暴雨的产生有重要作用。
    The event occurred at the stream convergence area of a low-level jet and east wind circumfluence.

4. 模式较成功地模拟了这次特大暴雨天气过程,再现了中β尺度低涡的发生、发展和消亡过程。
    The results indicate that the MM5 model simulated the rainstorm and the development of the mesoscale system successfully.

5. 他用头使水形成一个低涡,从中便于呼吸。
    His head creates a bow wave, which his breath? .

6. 暴雨发生在低涡切变线的东南侧。
    Heavy rainfall occurred in the southeast of vortex and shear line.

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7. 他用头使水形成一个低涡,从中便于呼吸。
    His head creates a bow wave, which his breath behind.

8. 低涡

8. 可见,CISK机制是特大暴雨和中尺度低涡加强的另一种机制。
    So CISK is another mechanism for torrentioal rain and mesoscale vortex development.

9. 低涡是什么意思

9. 6月22—24日不断东移的高原槽的引导使西南低涡发展,并沿着切变线东移南压,地面辐合线锋生,诱发中尺度对流复合体的生成和发展。
    Plateau trough leaded to the development of southwest vortex and movement towards southeast direction along the shear line in the Guizhou Province.

10. 通过两种地形方案模拟的对比表明,四川盆地东侧山地对西南低涡的产生没有明显影响,但对这次低涡暴雨的强度及其分布有重要影响,主要表现在:涡前暖湿气流受大巴山-神农架山脉拦截形成迎风麓大暴雨带,鄂西南山区南坡也有迎风坡暴雨区,降水系统在东移过程中受盆地东侧整个山体阻滞迫使上游降水显著增强,下游降水明显减弱。
    Comparing the two simulations with different model topography schemes, it is indicated that the mountains in east Sichuan Basin has no significant effects on the genesis of South west China vortex, but has important influence on the intensity and the feature of distribution of the heavy rain events. Mainly, the warm and wet flow was blocked by Daba Shenonggia mountain...

11. 因此台风倒槽的发展和中尺度低涡的形成主要是由于低层的涡度制造,另一方面来自中低层涡度的垂直输送。
      Therefore, the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the formation of the meso-scale vortex are mainly caused by the vorticity generating in the low levels, and the vertical transportation of vorticity from the mid and low levels.

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12. 结果表明,强降水是在台风倒槽顶部强风中心与弱风中心之间的强辐合作用下触发的,台风倒槽的增强和中尺度低涡的形成是低空急流及其动力作用的结果,降水的非绝热加热也起着重要作用。
      The results show that the heavy rainfall is triggered by the strong convergence between the strong wind area and weak wind area within the inverted typhoon trough. Dynamic effects of the low-level jet, as well as the diabatic heating of precipitation play important role in the development of the inverted typhoon trough and the meso-scale vortex.

13. 低涡的解释

13. 本文针对高原附近切变线低涡的生成和发展及夏季青藏高原lOO血b高压形成等与高原动力、热力影响的关系进行了数值试验,得到
      In summer the formation and development of the shearline

14. 随着阻塞形势的发展和热带气旋的西移北上,经向环流加强,主要影响天气系统——低空的低涡切变线沿西南-东北方向伸展,在高、中、低纬度天气系统的共同作用下,一条西南-东北走向的雨带逐渐形成。
      With the deeping of the trough and the westward moving of the tropical cyclone, the low level vortex and wind shear line extended along a southwest - northeast orientation over the Yangtze River. On the effect of high, middle and low latitude systems, a rainband in southwest - northeast orientation formed gradually.

15. 对1996年6月13~14日华南大暴雨发生过程的天气形势和物理量场进行分析,并从中尺度能量方面探讨了西南低涡对华南暴雨增幅的动力机制。
      The synoptic situation and physics quantity field of the rainstorm process in South China from June 13th to June 14th, 1996 is analyzed.

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16. 结果表明:该次大范围风雹强对流天气系统是在东北低涡下,高空前倾槽与地面辐合线有利的大环流背景下,一个中尺度对流系统MCS影响所致。
      The result of the study indicated that this large area wind-hail strong convection weather system was aroused by one MCS and controlled by the northeast low vorticity. It was in advantaged large circumfluence background of upper-air pitch trough along with surface convergence line.

17. 位势高度场梯度增大,华南高空维持辐散的西北气流,西南低涡向北移动,西南季风活跃。
      Geopotential height field gradient increased divergence in southern China to maintain northwest flow in high-altitude. The vortex in southwest moves to north, and the southwest monsoon active.

18. 大负荷低压涡轮叶型分离转捩流动的大涡模拟一次大暴雨过程中高原低涡与西南低涡相互作用机制探讨
      Large eddy simulation of separated flow transition on a highly-loaded low pressure turbine profile Mechanism of the Interaction between Plateau Vortex and Southwest Vortex During a Heavy Rain Event

19. 位涡守恒原理在中尺度低涡降水中的应用研究
      Study of the Principle of Conservation of PV for Meso-cyclogenesis

20. 高层湿等熵位涡面下滑的高度及风场的辐合强度与低层西南涡的发生发展有很好的对应关系,应用位涡守恒原理能较好解释中尺度低涡发生发展成因。
      Both the upper humid isentropic PV surface slanting downward and the wind convergence are in good agreement with the evolution of the low-level meso-cyclogenesis, so the principle of conservation of PV is applied well to interpret the evolution of meso-cyclogenesis.

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