
倒苦水是什么意思 倒苦水在线翻译 倒苦水什么意思 倒苦水的意思 倒苦水的翻译 倒苦水的解释 倒苦水的发音 倒苦水的同义词


倒苦水 基本解释

倒苦水[dào kǔ shuǐ]


词典pour out one's grievances倒苦水。

倒苦水 汉英大词典

倒苦水[dào kǔ shuǐ]

(向别人倾吐自己所受过的痛苦) pour out one's grievances; grumble

倒苦水 双语例句

1. 对我来说,我的苦水都倒干净了,也没什么可说的了。
    As for me, I'd already laid my heart bare and so I said nothing more.

2. 我把我一直以来的苦水全都倒出来了。
    Today I read some model essays of IELTS.

3. 她旁边的朋友也开始大倒苦水了,哪门科目他们觉得最难,诸如之类的。
    Her friends nearby then started pouring out their woes about which subjects they found hard, and so on.

4. 倒苦水是什么意思

4. 自从Olivia走了后我就找不到人倒苦水
    I just haven't had anyone to vent to since olivia left.

5. 倒苦水

5. 我们会成为一对怪朋友因为自怜、倒苦水和呕吐而认识的
    We'll be really weird friends, joined by self-pity, bitterness and vomit.

6. 倒苦水

6. 所以,灭了倒苦水的念头,准备一些和自己有关的趣事,向他展现你积极乐观的生活态度吧。
    Therefore, to eliminate the idea of the grievances was to prepare some of their own interesting story related to him to show your positive attitude of life.

7. 倒苦水的近义词

7. 我会以怎样的心态面对,会紧迫并快乐着吗,还是会大倒苦水,不管怎样,这是我自找的,我要为自己负责了,因为没其他的路子可以走。。。
    I will be in what state of mind to face? will I be happy and busy? or will I be complaining all day long? Whatever, this is my choice. I should be responsible for myself cause I have no other choices.

8. 倒苦水

8. 一旦同事们知道你要离开,那些对公司不满的人就会对你大倒苦水,如果你想全身而退,不要和这些人搅在一起。
    Once others know you are leaving, naysayers may seek you out to share their feelings of discontent. if you want to leave on good terms, don't be associated with disgruntled or unhappy employees.

9. 倒苦水

9. 找家人或者朋友再或者陌生的网友说说心事、倒倒苦水、发发牢骚,还有你不想让所有人知道的秘密。
    One can turn to the family, friends or the strange net pals to talk out of one's heart, talk about the trouble or make a complaint, even talk about the secrets you don't want others to know.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 看着RS在Bador退赛后窝在角落里用blackberry发消息,忽然心里不是滋味--我想他一定是在跟Massa互倒苦水才对。
    And Master and Servant, Nouvelle Vague covers this old hit of Depeche Mode this year in their 3rd Covers Album, again set the fire to my passion for Depeche Mode's oldies; P

11. 倒苦水的近义词

11. 因为一个满了甜水的杯子绝对不可能倒泻出一滴苦水,不管是受到如何突然的震荡。
      For a cup brimful of sweet water cannot spill even one drop of bitter water however suddenly jolted.

12. 倒苦水的近义词

12. 珍妮弗做出愤怒的反应,开始大倒苦水
      Jennifer responded with anger and played the martyr role.

13. 新闻界大倒苦水,要求恪守英国例行的金科玉律&政府不得对新闻进行“事前审查”(priorrestraint)。
      The media have cried foul, insisting that there is a well-established principle in Britain that the state cannot exercise " prior restraint " on the press.

14. 你必须整天听别人倒苦水
      You try listening to everybody's problems all day long.

15. 亿万富豪大倒阶级斗争苦水?
      A billionaire complaining about class warfare?

16. 但是,“和好朋友倾诉一番,倒倒苦水倒是个不错的主意。”
      Still, " talking to close contacts and sharing that information is not a bad idea. "

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 长期忍受的中国航空旅客现在有更多苦水可以倒。不打招呼的军事演练迫使国内航空公司在人口稠密的华东取消四分之一航班,而且这种情况将持续至少三周。
      Long-suffering Chinese air passengers now have even more to rage at after unheralded military exercises forced domestic airlines to cancel a quarter of all flights in the heavily populated east of the country for at least three weeks.

18. 倒苦水在线翻译

18. 但是,“和好朋友倾诉一番,倒倒苦水倒是个不错的主意。”
      Still, " talking to close contacts and sharing that information is not a bad idea. "

19. 倒苦水什么意思

19. 新闻界大倒苦水,要求恪守英国例行的金科玉律&政府不得对新闻进行“事前审查”(priorrestraint)。
      The media have cried foul, insisting that there is a well-established principle in Britain that the state cannot exercise " prior restraint " on the press.

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