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僧道 基本解释

僧道[sēnɡ dào]


僧道 双语例句

1. 因而所选诗歌的作者上至帝王将相、地方官吏,下至市民百姓、凡夫走卒,以至渔樵僧道、宫人艺伎,凡所应有,无所不有,代表了社会的各个阶层,也使得本部诗歌鉴赏所反映的内容涉及到了当时社会生活的方方面面
    Thus the authors of the selected poems will be up to the imperial phase, local officials, down to the public people, Fan-fu stooge, as well as fisheries僧道Woodcutter, palace geisha people who should have, everything there is, representing all sectors of society, Department also makes poetry appreciation, as reflected in the content related to all aspects of social life at that time

2. 如果你的伙伴能告诉你你没必要一直看起来人模狗样,想生气的时候你就生气好了,我们都是凡夫俗子又不是什么僧道神仙,如果他能这样跟你说,也一样会有帮助,把自己的怒气表达出来,当然是件恰当不过的事。
    For her to express herself, and that she has permission to be upset. It will also help if your mate verbally gives you permission to not always be nice, and to express your angry feelings.

3. 免丁钱是一种创行于南宋绍兴中期的身丁税,课征对象为寺观僧道,仅盛行于南宋时期。
    Exempting from poll taxation was a kind of tax policy that prevailed only in middle period of Southern Song Dynasty, and levied tax on Buddhist monks and Taoist priests.

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4. 祖堂集》成书于五代南唐952年,《景德传灯录》在宋代景德元年(1004)由东吴僧道原纂集,两书成书相差五十二年,内容和体例上有很多重合与相似之处,是最初的禅宗灯录体着作。
    Zutangji was finished in Baoda 10~th Year of South-Tang dynasty.

5. 如有 过客异常,虽单骑孤囊,或为僧道服饰,变诈多端,务使人不疑者,决是盗贼,。。。
    If passing anomaly, although Riding Alone solitary cyst, or monk costumes, variable fraud multiterminal, service people who are not suspected, must be thieves, ...

6. 清入关前即已实行度牒制度,康熙初限制寺观及僧道数量,雍正时期,放松对僧道管理,度牒失去效力。
    During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, the number of temples and monks is restricted, while during that of Emperor Yongzheng, the system loses it power due to the negligence of management.

7. 然而,在唐代由于工、商、吏、僧道等阶层遭到排斥,能够有资格参加进士科考试的主要是官宦子弟和寒门士子。
    However, in the Tang Dynasty, as industrial class, commerce, clerks, monk and other sectors were excluded to be eligible to participate in " the Imperial examination ". The examination is mainly for Ethic and the poor family Scholars.

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8. 但是魏野为人宽和,关注苍生,与其交游的僧道隐士以及官宦往往与其道相契,因此魏野与其亲近而悉心交游。
    However, the width and Wei Ye man, concerned about the common people, instead of a hermit monk the Friendship and courtiers often their " Road " Affinities, so its close and careful Wei Ye Friendship.

9. 僧道什么意思

9. 全书通过主要人物的僧道化历程、尤其是宝玉出家的过程来诠释“情空”这一主旨。
    The whole book annotates the theme of freedom from love mainly by the Buddist monk course of the major characters, especially the process of Baoyu's becoming a monk.

10. 但是魏野为人宽和,关注苍生,与其交游的僧道隐士以及官宦往往与其道相契,因此魏野与其亲近而悉心交游。
    However, the width and Wei Ye man, concerned about the common people, instead of a hermit monk the Friendship and courtiers often their " Road " Affinities, so its close and careful Wei Ye Friendship.

11. 然而,在唐代由于工、商、吏、僧道等阶层遭到排斥,能够有资格参加进士科考试的主要是官宦子弟和寒门士子。
      However, in the Tang Dynasty, as industrial class, commerce, clerks, monk and other sectors were excluded to be eligible to participate in " the Imperial examination ". The examination is mainly for Ethic and the poor family Scholars.

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