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吊丧 基本解释


吊丧[diào sāng]


词典visit the bereaved to offer one's condolences吊丧。

词典pay a condolence call吊孝;吊丧。

吊丧 汉英大词典

吊丧[diào sāng]

(到丧家祭奠死者) visit the bereaved to offer one's condolences; pay a condolence call

吊丧 双语例句

1. 头上仍勒裹头巾,脚上仍穿鞋,不可蒙着嘴唇,也不可吃吊丧的食物。
    Keep your turban fastened and your sandals on your feet; do not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners.

2. 头上仍勒裹头巾、脚上仍穿鞋、不可蒙著嘴唇、也不可吃吊丧的食物。
    Keep your turban fastened and your sandals on your feet; do not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food.

3. 当国君要召见他时他可以托辞不见而且还不加掩饰,在国君要他上朝时却到东郭氏家去吊丧,国君派人在路上要截他去上朝,而他竟躲入景丑氏家。
    When the monarch summoned him to excuse that he can not and does not increase to cover up, to the monarch towards his home when the East KUOK to condole, monarch sent on the road towards him to cut, and he had had taken refuge in the King's ugly home.

4. 山西的丧葬礼仪,近几十年来,在有关部门的倡导下,出现了一些新的风尚,不仅涤除了丧礼中迷信荒诞的成份,而且程式上有了很大的简化,内容上也出现了很多的变化:吊丧改为追悼会,披麻戴孝改为戴黑纱,各种纸扎改为花圈……火葬也得到了大力的推广。
    Shanxi funeral rites, in recent decades, at the initiative of the departments concerned, there are some new fashion, not only wash the funeral in addition to elements of superstition, absurd, but also on the program has been greatly simplified, there have been a lot of content change: changed to mourning memorial service, Pimadaixiao into wearing crape, all kinds of paper models into wreaths......

5. 黑色羔裘,黑色冠冕,不穿去吊丧
    He does not wear black lambskin or black headdress when attending a funeral.

6. 吊丧什么意思

6. 我们是来吊丧的。
    We are at a wake.

7. 那时,你们必行我仆人所行的,不蒙着嘴唇,也不吃吊丧的食物。
    You will not cover the lower part of your face or eat the customary food of mourners.

8. 24:22 那时,你们必照我所行的去行,不蒙着嘴唇,也不吃吊丧的食物。
    And you will do as I have done; you shall not cover your lips, nor shall you eat the bread of men.

9. 我为他们选择道路,又坐首位。我如君王在军队中居住,又如吊丧的安慰伤心的人。
    When I smiled at them, they scarcely believed it; the light of my face was precious to them.

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10. 别让多事的吊丧人接近我
    But silent let me sink to Earth.

11. 有多少个人商量着一块前去吊丧,却都不清楚吊丧的礼仪。
      Several people went to consult with a condolence, but there is not clear condolence rituals.

12. 以吊丧礼为例,吊丧过程完整有序,表明至迟春秋时期恤邻救患礼节已趋于成熟。
      Take the rite of funeral for example, to condole is to go through a complete and orderly process, indicating that throughout the late Spring and Autumn period, rescuing and easing suffering neighbors had become mature as a courtesy.

13. 只可叹息,不可出声,不可办理丧事。头上仍勒裹头巾,脚上仍穿鞋,不可蒙着嘴唇,也不可吃吊丧的食物。
      Forbear to cry, make no mourning for the dead, bind the tire of thine head upon thee, and put on thy shoes upon thy feet, and cover not thy lips, and eat not the bread of men.

14. 吊丧的意思

14. 江淮传统丧葬习俗主要有制寿衣与寿木、设灵与报丧、入殓与吊丧、做七、出殡与下葬等,这些不同的习俗内容间接地表现了江淮文化不同层面的内涵。
      Jianghuai traditional funeral customs mainly include making shroud and coffin, setting soul and giving obituary notice, encoffining and condoling, doing seven, conducting a funeral procession and burying, and so on.

15. 吊丧是什么意思

15. 孔子在这天为吊丧哀哭过,就不唱歌。
      On that day, Confucius would weep and do not sing.

16. 因为人归他永远的家,吊丧的在街上往来。
      Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets.

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17. 我为他们选择道路、又坐首位。我如君王在军队中居住。又如吊丧的安慰伤心的人。
      I chose the way for them and sat as their chief; I dwelt as a king among his troops; I was like one who comforts mourners.

18. 尽管除吊丧礼以民间习俗方式保留下来外,其余四礼均随着宗法分封体制的瓦解而佚亡。
      However, although the rite of funeral has been preserved as folk customs, the other four cases of ceremony disappeared along with the collapse of the ruling and enfeoffment system.

19. 第二天,杨母和杨三姐到高家吊丧,杨三姐发现二姐一手中指被布缠裹,掀开蒙头布时,又见二姐嘴角留血迹,顿生疑窦,但高家当天就把杨二姐埋葬,没能弄清原由。
      The next day, mother and Yang Yangsan jie to condole Gao, Yangsan jie discovered first-hand middle finger waser jie clothchan guo, hooded cloth when opened, see also left traces of blooder jie mouth, dun sheng doubts, buter jie Yang Gao had buried the same day, no to clarify the reasons.

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