
奔走相告是什么意思 奔走相告在线翻译 奔走相告什么意思 奔走相告的意思 奔走相告的翻译 奔走相告的解释 奔走相告的发音


奔走相告 基本解释

奔走相告[bēn zǒu xiāng gào]

词典rush about telling the news [message]

词典go [run] around spreading

词典go round telling everyone奔走相告。

奔走相告 汉英大词典

奔走相告[bēn zǒu xiāng gào]

rush about telling the news [message]; go [run] around spreading (the news); go round telling everyone (that ...)

奔走相告 网络解释

1. Run and tell that:08 Welcome to the 60's 欢迎来到60年代 | 09 Run and tell that 奔走相告 | 10 Big blonde and beautiful 美丽大波浪

2. ranting and raving about:You've been acting different since... 自从......你就一直怪怪的 | ranting and raving about 奔走相告 | out of the world 此曲只应天上有,好极了

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. ben zou xiang gao:95 倍道兼行 bei dao jian xin | 96 奔走相告 ben zou xiang gao | 97 本末倒置 ben mo dao zhi

奔走相告 双语例句

1. 齐人知道了,都认为是不得了的大事,奔走相告。大臣们拍马屁,纷纷到齐太公家,恭贺他得到这样的殊荣及祝福。曰:「吾尝居山穴之中矣。当是时也,田禾一睹我,而齐国之众三贺之。
    Regarding it was a great event, people in the country ran around to spread the news; his ministries all went to his home and flattered him for the bliss and great honor.

2. 并在田野间奔走相告他的船即将到来的消息。
    And shouting from field to field telling one another of the coming of his ship.

3. 接着他们奔走相告说:来,让我们制造砖块,并把它们烧好。
    Then they said to one another, Come, let us make bricks, burning them well.

4. 在工厂里,工人都把这个好消息奔走相告
    In the factories the workers shouted the good news to each other.

5. 从文中可知,这句话指两个小矮人的结婚典礼成为人们奔走相告的新闻。
    Nowadays, with the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language called Web Language.

6. 奔走相告是什么意思

6. 在这方面,城市贫民家庭,特别是低收入家庭奔走相告
    In this regard, the urban poor families, especially low奔走相告households.

7. 奔走相告的翻译

7. 当他们看见耶稣时,他们奔走相告耶稣是多么伟大。
    When they found him, they spread the word by telling other people about how great Jesus was.

8. 他听到他们喊着自己的名字,并在田野间奔走相告他的船即将到达的消息。
    And he heard their voices calling his name and shouting from field to field telling one another of the coming of his ship.

9. 这次竞选的力量也源自于那些漠视父辈的谬论陈规的年轻人们。他们舍家弃亲,去做收入微薄,休息甚少的工作。这次竞选的力量也来自那些不再年轻的人们。他们在严寒酷暑中敲开陌生人的大门,奔走相告。这次胜利来自数以百万或自发或有组织的美国人,他们证明了,长达2个世纪后,这个民有、民治、民享的政府从未从地球上消失过。
    It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation`s apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of Americans who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth.

10. 奔走相告

10. 巡回剧团来到山村,人们笑逐颜开,奔走相告
    When the touring theatrical troupe arrived at the mountain village, the villagers all ran to tell one and another beaming with delight.

11. 辐射已经消失,与世隔绝的雪白沙滩上是成排的椰子树,星星点点的贝壳,偶有巨大的海龟奔走相告:快看!那儿有个稀罕东西&人类!
      Radiation has dissipated, and the deserted white-sand beaches are lined with coconut palms and scattered with seashells and an occasional giant sea turtle & which will hurriedly call to its friends: Look, there's a rare sight, a human!

12. 奔走相告的反义词

12. 山里的孩子怕生,也特别的好奇,来了新老师,他们就满身心的激动,雀跃着奔走相告
      Children afraid of the mountains, but can also special curiosity, to a new teacher, they full physical and mental excitement and joy to excitedly spread the news.

13. 奔走相告

13. 但是在正式比赛开始之前,头戴橄榄枝环的传令兵在各城邦之间奔走相告运动会正式开始的准确时间。
      However, before the official opening of the Games, batman worn olive branch run among the cities and told each other the precise time of the Games.

14. 我想要的仅是白痴嘴里奔走相告的传说。
      What I want is a tale of sound and fury that some idiot went and told.

15. 假使道是一个处方,可以清楚地传授说明与讲述,那一般人必定会奔走相告其兄弟姐妹;
      If Tao were a prescription that was able to be illustrated and narrated clearly, people would lose no time to tell their brothers and sisters.

16. 奔走相告

16. 人们奔走相告
      People go around spreading the news.

17. 奔走相告

17. 老君堂、黄杨寨、谢寨等四周十几个村庄的群众欢欣雀跃,奔走相告
      The masses exultation caper of ten stockaded village of old Jun Tang, Chinese littleleaf box, Xie Zhai villages around, go around spreading the news.

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