
山径是什么意思 山径在线翻译 山径什么意思 山径的意思 山径的翻译 山径的解释 山径的发音 山径的同义词 山径的反义词 山径的例句


山径 基本解释

山径[shān jìnɡ]


山径 网络解释

1. trails:Trad fall:传统攀登中的坠落.可能有严重后果. | Trails:山径. | Transceiver:报话机.

山径 双语例句

1. 发生频率-高,尤其在海边悬厓和山径
    Liklehood – High, especially on sea cliffs and alpine routes

2. 山径的意思

2. 我是骑下山径,失去了我的自行车的控制。
    I was riding a down hill trail and lost control of my bike.

3. 从老君庙沿山径小路攀援上山,山石层层叠叠,青苍扑野。
    Laojunmiao trails along the path from climbing mountains, rocks layers, Green cubeba wild flutter.

4. 尽管所有的山径我们所面对的,尽管多少次,我们不能。。。
    And despite all the trails we are faced with, and despite the number of times we fail...

5. 山径的反义词

5. 山径远足要的是过程,而非目的地。
    The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail.

6. 他发现到一条被溪流冲刷成的山径,夹在两个岩壁之间。
    He found a way cut by a stream between two walls of rock.

7. 这个社会是建立在马术和行山径,高尔夫球场,钓鱼和划船。
    This community is built around equestrian and hiking trails, golf courses, fishing and boating.

8. 山径

8. 一旦你实践这些技巧并获得他们的挂,你就可以达到山径感觉舒服的山地自行车。
    Once you practice these techniques and get the hang of them, you'll be able to hit the trails feeling comfortable on your mountain bike.

9. 我们正努力寻找办法解决人车争路的情况,一个简单改善﹙单车﹚路径网络的方法就是跟据国际标准去修筑,单车使用者亦可以使用已荒废﹙或较少用﹚的山径;可惜,我们用这一点游说政府部门并不成功。
    There are easy solutions to dramatically improve the trail network by using international trail building methods.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 崎岖的山径上,每一块石头,都闪着深秋的寒光,像一位老者的脸,布满沧桑。
    On the rough mountain path. every stone glistered chilly light. like the face of old, writing with vicissitudes.

11. 我喜欢在春风中踏过窄窄的山径,草莓像个精致的红灯笼,一路殷勤地张结着。
      I love to saunter in the spring breeze on a narrow mountain path bedecked with strawberries growing graciously like delicate red lanterns.

12. 山径的意思

12. 数千年前,伟大的哲学家孟子曾说过:“山径之蹊间,介然用之而成路;为间不用,则茅塞之矣。”
      Thousands of years ago, the great philosopher Mencius said: " A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time. "

13. 读了一篇在阿帕拉契山山径「丛林漫步」的记载后,我就彷如置身于一个与现况截然不同的世界。
      When I read about " a walk in the woods " along the Appalachian Trail, I enter a world different from my own.

14. 山径

14. 崎岖的山径上,每一块石头,都闪着深秋的寒光,像一位老者的脸,布满沧桑。
      On the rugged mountain road, every stone glistened chilly light of the deep autumn, like a face of an elder, who had suffered much in his life.

15. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

15. 读了一篇在阿帕拉契山山径「丛林漫步」的记载后,我就彷如置身于一个与现况截然不同的世界。
      When I read about " a walk in the woods " along the Appalachian Trail, I enter a world different from my own.

16. 数千年前,伟大的哲学家孟子曾说过:“山径之蹊间,介然用之而成路;为间不用,则茅塞之矣。”
      Thousands of years ago, the great philosopher Mencius said: " A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time. "

17. 享受一下午的网球或游泳,在一个城市拥有的公园或在慢跑,对其中的许多弯曲山径通过林地或沿海滩。
      Enjoy an afternoon of tennis or swimming at one of the city-owned parks or take in a jog on one of the many winding trails through woodlands or along the beach.

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