
烽火连天是什么意思 烽火连天在线翻译 烽火连天什么意思 烽火连天的意思 烽火连天的翻译 烽火连天的解释 烽火连天的发音


烽火连天 基本解释

烽火连天[fēng huǒ lián tiān]

词典the flames of war raging across the length and breadth of the region

词典flames of battle raging everywhere烽火连天。

词典The Story of the Flaming Years[电影]烽火连天。

烽火连天 汉英大词典

烽火连天[fēng huǒ lián tiān]

the flames of war raging across the length and breadth of the region; flames of battle raging everywhere

烽火连天 网络解释

1. War Wind:1995.Warcraft II魔兽争霸2 | 1996.War Wind烽火连天 | 1997.Robot Commander攻壳总司令

2. War Wind II.The Human Onslaught:1998.Uprising 2 铁甲叛乱2 | 1997.War Wind II.The Human Onslaught 烽火连天2 | 1999.Bushido 征战天下

烽火连天 双语例句

1. 烽火连天的反义词

1. 虽说经常和他斗嘴,但在这个烽火连天的年代,转个身就不知是生是死了,战场上的友谊尤为重要。
    Although he often gazing, but in this era of war everywhere, to physically do not. Health is dead, and friendship on the battlefield is particularly important.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 企业沿着这个基本发展战略快速成长,很快便赢得众多经销商和广大消费的信赖,在烽火连天的市场上,占得愈来愈多的市场分额。
    This basic business development strategy along the fast-growing, quickly won numerous distributors and the vast majority of consumer confidence, the sky in flames on the market, accounting for an increasing number of market share.

3. 烽火连天漂泊路,怙恃呵护梦中求,是其幼年的真实写照。
    War badly adrift Road, Guardian relies on seeking care dream is a true portrayal of his childhood.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 尤其是现在烽火连天的索马里,正需要一支由联合国自己控制的军队进行干预,既不需要西方也不需要索马里的邻国越俎代庖。
    Right now a small battle-ready force, raised by the UN itself and not by any Western or neighbouring government, is exactly what is needed in war-torn Somalia.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 让我忍不住揣想,久远年代以前的烽火连天
    Island was at war for months, what people here suffered under

6. 国内银行业的竞争已是烽火连天,外资银行又大军压境,国有商业银行长期获得垄断利润的行业壁垒不断瓦解。
    domestic competition in the banking industry is suffering war, border troops and foreign-funded banks, state-owned commercial banks to obtain long-term monopoly profits of the collapse of the trade barriers to keep.

7. 这次到了昆明,抗战已经爆发,在烽火连天的动荡时期,全校师生员工背井离乡来到异地,如何解决他们的食宿、兴建起必需的校舍,都是很艰巨的任务。
    This time to Kunming, the outbreak of the war of resistance has been in turmoil during the War of the sky, all the teachers and students uprooted from their homes to remote staff, how to solve their accommodation, food, necessary since the construction of school buildings, are very arduous task.

8. 成千上万的外国人正在撤离,主要是通过海路;而许多黎巴嫩人,特别是相对富裕的中产阶级,则通过陆路逃往辟领的叙利亚,和他们一起逃离的还有那些从这片烽火连天的战场回家的海湾地区来的游客。
    Tens of thousands of foreigners are being evacuated, mainly by boat; just as many Lebanese, especially better-off middleclass ones, have gone by land to Syria next door, along with Gulf Arab tourists who had come to get away from the broiling heat back home.

9. 烽火连天什么意思

9. 中国现代文学史上的第三个十年是烽火连天的十年,战争是这一时期的关键词。
    The third ten year of modern chinese literature is war-ridden ten years, " war " is the key word of the period.

10. 中国现代文学史上的第三个十年是烽火连天的十年,战争是这一时期的关键词。
    The third ten year of modern chinese literature is war-ridden ten years," war " is the key word of the period.

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