
玉润是什么意思 玉润在线翻译 玉润什么意思 玉润的意思 玉润的翻译 玉润的解释 玉润的发音 玉润的同义词 玉润的反义词 玉润的例句


玉润 基本解释


词典as pearly as jade玉润。

玉润 双语例句

1. 玉润

1. 如果你的写作是不是珠圆玉润,读者得到的印象是,你是不是专业人士在做什么。
    If your writing is not polished, the reader will get the impression that you are not a professional at what you are doing.

2. 玉润的反义词

2. 他的风格并不是很严重,但也珠圆玉润计算达到目的,他要求专题。
    His style is not polished but very serious and well calculated to achieve the thematic ends he sought.

3. 玉润的近义词

3. 这事让我很有些感动,这个珠圆玉润的姑娘,生活简单、快乐而满足,她的爱人和亲人,也就想出这样简单而又别致的方法来取悦她。
    Also, if you know someone who you think would like the opportunity to be included in this, please feel free to forward this email to them.

4. 一个不爱做饭的女人,像风干的葡萄干,可能更甜,却是去了珠圆玉润的本相。
    A woman who does not love cooking, such as dried raisins may be sweeter, but it is gone Zhuyuanyurun the Benxiang.

5. 牛肉是切成丁的,而豌豆都是进口的美国豌豆,颗粒大小均匀,珠圆玉润
    Is a small cut of beef, peas and the United States are imported peas, particle size uniformity, Zhuyuanyurun.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 看到国际展览业协会设计的平面广告,突然就想到了珠圆玉润这个词。
    E x hibitions. Because business is face-to-face.1. She buys millions of pounds worth of services every year for her company.

7. 奥立弗伸出手,用食指和拇指拈起其中一粒珠子,的确是珠圆玉润
    Oliver stretched out and took one of the pearls between finger and thumb. It was round, it was lustrous.

8. 我喜欢你的良质啊,冰清玉润;我□慕你的才华啊,闪灼文章。
    I like your good nature, ice clear and

9. 石灰石产品,可提供各种表面文字与斜面,斜,珠圆玉润,车架及刷牙,rilled ,冰上开花,防滑表面,喷砂,bushhammered ,锯材,重挫各种尺寸要求。
    The limestone products can be supplied with all kinds surface with honed with chamfered, bevelled, polished, flamed and brushed, rilled, ice-flowered, anti-slip surface, sandblasted, bushhammered, sawn, tumbled with all kinds size as requirement.

10. 苍山有灵,生于此山的石头,或玉润明洁,或苍翠晶莹,或含云纳雾,或隐峰藏泉,似乎天地独钟这片山水,把大千世界般情景,都凝结在大理石中,幻为永恒。
    Cangshan soul, born in the mountain rocks, or Smooth Ming-jie, or green crystal, or satisfied with fog cloud, or possession of Stephen Yinfeng, it seems that this piece of heaven and earth landscape bell alone, the universe as scenes from condensation in marble, the magic is timeless.

11. 幽靓秀雅晶莹玉润&成化窑瓷艺浅析
      Beautiful and elegant & a brief introduction of the porcelain art in glost kilns

12. 玉润的反义词

12. 方玉润在《诗经》研究上以原诗人始意为最高宗旨和出发点,主张从诗的本文入手,不分汉、宋,客观解诗。
      In the research of " Book of Songs ", Fang Yu Run has the highest aim and starting point, advocate from the start this poem, regardless of the Han and Song, give an objective solution of poetry.

13. 玉润的反义词

13. 其他十几缸纪录“的罪名起诉”是一个很好的解决更加珠圆玉润
      The other dozen cylinder records on " actionable offenses " are a good deal more polished.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 归功于姥姥麻麻的精心照顾,偶已经变成个珠圆玉润的小姑娘啦;
      Thanks to the great care of my dearest grandma and mom, I am now turning into a little chubby girl;

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 由省疾病预防控制中心专家张玉润副主任授课,介绍预防控制艾滋病的基本知识和我国艾滋病防治工作的情况。
      Provincial Disease Prevention and Control Center, deputy director Zhang Yurun expert instruction on the basic AIDS prevention and control of China's AIDS prevention knowledge and work.

16. 911查询·英语单词

16. 东成西就,猪圆玉润,牛岁奋进,百尺竿头,更上一层楼!
      And taking a further advancement in life and career in the new year 2009!

17. 玉润的翻译

17. 雪白的床单,都比不上她肤色的玉润
      Teaching the sheets a whiter hue than white

18. 方玉润在《诗经》研究上以原诗人始意为最高宗旨和出发点,主张从诗的本文入手,不分汉、宋,客观解诗。
      In the research of " Book of Songs ", Fang Yu Run has the highest aim and starting point, advocate from the start this poem, regardless of the Han and Song, give an objective solution of poetry.

19. 玉润是什么意思

19. 其他十几缸纪录“的罪名起诉”是一个很好的解决更加珠圆玉润
      The other dozen cylinder records on " actionable offenses " are a good deal more polished.

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