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算题 基本解释


算题[suàn tí]

词典computational problem计算问题,算题。

算题 汉英大词典

算题[suàn tí]

computational problem

算题 双语例句

1. 文中通过算例说明了方法的功能和算题过程。
    Then, the integer programming is done only for a fe...

2. 本论文在完成《计算之书》英译本(2002年出版)汉语翻译的基础上,通过对《计算之书》以及相关中外文献的研读,全面分析了《计算之书》中的数学内容,对言辞模糊、表达不明的算题、算法进行深入算理分析,就其中重要的数学方法进行了认真的梳理和概括,并对《计算之书》中的数学思想、算法源流进行了初步探讨。
    Based on the translation of Liber Abaci from English to Chinese, and studying the large number of material, this dissertation is mainly intended to comprehensively analyze the contents, explore the algorithm, summarize the methods and thinking of mathematics from Fibonacci. This paper is composed of eight chapters.

3. 斐波那契《计算之书》中与中国古代数学相近的算题与算法
    Some Mathematical Problems and Algorithms in Fibonacci's " Liber Abaci " Similar to Those in Ancient China

4. 该方法操作简单,解题迅速,对于一般积分算题,输入程序和数据后,仅需数十秒钟的键钮操作即可获得相当精确的答案。
    Under normal conditions, considerably accurate results are obtained in only about half a minute with manual operation of the key after the input of the data and the procedure.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 《九章算术》等古代数学典籍记载了一些物质的比重值及收录了一些与比重有关的算题
    Jiu Zhang Suan Shu and other ancient mathematical works recorded the specific gravity value of some materials and collected some related computational problems.

6. 介绍一种实时汉语话音控制计算机系统:在汉字DOS支持下工作,具有话控算题(包括6种算术运算和11种初等函数计算)、话控报表、简单文件打印等功能。
    Describes a computer system controlled by Chinese speech. Operated on CC-DOS (Chinese Character Disk Operating System), it possesses functions controlled by oral Chinese as: calculating with 6 arthmetic and 11 junior functional calculuses, forming for reporting statistics, compiling and printing simple documents.

7. 这道算题他讲了两遍,可我还是稀里糊涂。
    He explained the math problem twice, but I still did not get it.

8. 算题

8. 本文研究和整理了我国古代数学名著《数书九章》大衍类算题中的若干数论命题。
    In this paper the author makes a study of some propositions on theory of number used by Qin Jiushao in his masterpiece Mathematical Treatise in Nine Chapters.

9. 他本该细心一点做这些算题的。
    He should have done the computations more carefully.

10. 这些算题虽然简单,你要细心去做。
    Simple as the computation be, you shall do it with care.

11. 男孩很快解决了那道算题
      The boy figured out the problem in no time.

12. 不管这算题有多复杂都可以用计算机算出来。
      No matter how complex the computation may be, it can be settled by means of a computer.

13. 这道算式是一道古老的难以解决的算题
      This problem seemed to the ancients insoluble.

14. 算题的近义词

14. 实际工程算题表明,该方法具有理论严谨、收敛速度快、计算精度高的特点,是稳定渗流和非稳定渗流分析中的有效方法。
      Some examples show that this method have advantages of strict in theory, quick in convergence and high in precision, and it is an effective method for the analysis of steady and unsteady seepage.

15. 算题的意思

15. 《算法统宗》则收录了迄今所见最早的关于杠杆平衡问题的杆秤算题
      In Suan Fa Tong Zong were collected computational problems of steelyard equilibrium, which are the earliest ones seen so far.

16. 斐波那契《计算之书》中与中国古代数学相近的算题与算法
      Some Mathematical Problems and Algorithms in Fibonacci's " Liber Abaci " Similar to Those in Ancient China

17. 老师,能用乘法分配律的算题究竟有多。。。
      Do the teacher, the computational problem being able to use multiplication to assign a law have

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