
绝学是什么意思 绝学在线翻译 绝学什么意思 绝学的意思 绝学的翻译 绝学的解释 绝学的发音 绝学的同义词 绝学的反义词 绝学的例句


绝学 基本解释


词典lost knowledge绝学。

绝学 双语例句

1. 我相信老子说的绝学,应该是指那些伦理、道德、教条式的学说;以及对人类谈忠、论孝、教仁、教义者。
    I believe that the extinct subjects mentioned by Laotse should be the ethical, moral and stiffen doctrines that teach people benevolence, righteousness, loyalty and credit.

2. 我不记得,在佛经里是否有世尊叫人绝学这回事。
    I don`t remember Buddha has ever asked people to abandon study in sutra.

3. 还好我及时用失似已久的绝学
    Luckily. I have saved you with......

4. 你要他的右手,莫非是贪图少林的绝学
    You want his right hand, infact, you aim at the sutra.

5. 这不是什么武林绝学,但是在你心境烦乱的时候,可以为你带来清静。。。
    Mind is like water; when it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see; but when you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear...

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 那天我真的使出毕生绝学了。
    The love where is the love?

7. 弱冠思识才贤,学智仁阖周礼;而立成业穷达,活着讲什么道理;不惑独善其身,成了大业糊涂了自己;知命兼济天下,担下责任的共与;花甲继往圣绝学,破了尘往清净地;古稀寒江独钓,超凡脱俗自寻觅;耄耋该自然而然,天年唯是去;期颐呜呼乐哉,就这样活着个不经意。
    Twenties thinking only yin knowledge, learning Jhihren enjoyable Zhou; written for the poor into the industry, up to, alive to talk about reason; perplexed own, became confused his own cause; attitude to life, and economic world, with a total liability under Tam; his sixtieth following to the Saint Juexue, breaking the dust to clean land; seventies trees and fishing alone, a sight to behold from looking; the oldest old in the natural, only their later years is to go; view Le Zai Yi Alas, it is so alive, one inadvertently.

8. 绝学的意思

8. 请把这些言语送给那些你所关心的人,那些在生活中这样或那样同自己打交道的人,那些在你需要时给你带来微笑的人,那些在逆境中依然使你能看到光明的人,那些珍视友谊的人。即使你没有这样做,也不要紧。没有什么大不了的事情,你只是错过了用这些言语照亮他人日子的机会。为天地立心,为生民立命,为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平。
    Please send this message to those people who mean something to you; to those who have touched your life in one way or another; to those who make you smile when you really need it; to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down; to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship, and if you don`t, don`t worry, nothing bad will happen to you, you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone`s day with this message.

9. 绝学是什么意思

9. 南宋理学家对王安石新学的批判,主要表现在二方面:一是斥新学为异端邪说,藉以标榜理学为继孔孟绝学的正统,二是把新学作为变乱祖宗法度而致北宋亡国的理论根源,予以无情打击。
    In this paper, the New-Confucianists'criticism of W ang An-shi's New Learning is discussed in two respects. On the one hand, the Neo -Confucianists denounced the New Learning as heresy so as to flaunt Neo-Confuc ianism as orthodox Confucianism.

10. 他是一个天才,生于纷繁复杂之乱世,身负绝学,以一介草民闯荡二十余年,终成大器。
    A genius born in the turbulent times with great talent and profound knowledge, he rises from a commoner to a legendary figure in the officialdom after two decades of struggle.

11. 绝学的反义词

11. 太极一直被人们视为一种武林绝学
      Tai Ji is always considered lost knowledge of wushu.

12. 好吧,就让我使出我的毕生绝学&14年的英语学习经历。
      OK, just let me use my Lifetime Unique Skill & 14 years of English learning experience.

13. 二是“绝学无忧”,对科技与文化异化状态的超越;
      " banish wisdom and discard knowledge ", to transcend beyond alienation of science, technology and culture, 3.

14. 二是“绝学无忧”,对科技与文化异化状态的超越;
      " banish wisdom and discard knowledge ", to transcend beyond alienation of science, technology and culture, 3.

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