
老爷子是什么意思 老爷子在线翻译 老爷子什么意思 老爷子的意思 老爷子的翻译 老爷子的解释 老爷子的发音 老爷子的同义词


老爷子 基本解释


词典elderly person老爷子。

老爷子 网络解释

1. 老爷子

1. lyzi:zyl=注意力 | lyzi=老爷子 | yisj=一瞬间

2. o li xi:大小姐:ai gi xi | 老爷子:o li xi | 大妈/大婶:han ji ma

3. ou ya ji:来吃啦:yi da da ku | 老爷子:ou ya ji | 马上回来:si gu ma da lu

老爷子 双语例句

1. 老爷子的意思

1. 来副食店买烟的老爷子说,70年代末生的孩子们,大多吃过这些它。
    An old man coming for cigaratte, says, Children born at the end of 1970s must ever eat this.

2. 高中同学来了有8位呢,老弟弟,老爷子,国平,胡建莉,孔颖,郑轩,猪航,励文,一下见到这么多同学真的开心啊,他们也很久没见我,都说我变了。
    I like this area quite much since lighting is one of the element to decorate our homes.

3. 你说的那位老爷子已经到了。
    That graybeard you talked about has already fill his shoes.

4. 你说话这么不客气,祝老爷子岂不是要生气?
    Don`t you think your offensive words would irritate this graybeard Z?

5. 风雨飘摇的道指在收盘时井喷式上窜了近900点,光荣地成为历史第二high涨幅并优雅地敲碎了格林斯潘老爷子的一嘴假牙。
    Bargain hunter s grab stocks pounded in earlier sessions, ahead of an expected rate cut by the Federal Reserve.

6. 老爷子

6. 现在老爷子嘲笑起方亭了,因为你表现的像个茴香。
    Now the Don was mocking. Because you acted like a finocchio.

7. 昨日,一个引人瞩目的疑问出现了:佛里芝尔女士,这样一位在星期二新闻媒体齐聚一堂的时候出现在119号法庭现场执政佛里芝尔·J的人是佛曾乔装进入过法庭现场打探她那73岁老爷子的一举一动呢?
    The question intriguing Austria yesterday was whether Ms Fritzl who made a virtual appearance in Court 119 on Tuesday to testify against Josef Fritzl on a giant television screen also entered the room in disguise to observe her 73-year-old father.

8. 对老爷子这个好脾气的男人,我有这么一种单纯无邪的偏执想法,一种令人愉悦的敬畏之情)原谅我情绪高涨,我象俗间的家族卫士,裹在只有自我的旗帜里喋喋不休;一名职业后裔,每天我的心就象假期休息的银行和邮局,毋庸操劳。
    I have this simple, harmless paranoia of the good-natured man, this cheerful awe.

9. 老爷子是什么意思

9. 老爷子真是兴致勃勃,我只忍不住夸赞他那两株枝叶扶疏、浓荫宜人的胡桃树几句,他便打开了话匣子,尽管口齿不灵。
    Father was in high spirits, I just could not help but praise his two trees and branches, the pleasant shade of a few walnut, he once opened, despite the poor articulate.

10. 我不是什么学者,只是认识了现在的老爷子,在他的身上,我学会了很多,懂得了好多,也成熟了许多,我希望尽我最大的努力让他的晚年过的幸福。
    I am not the scholar, had only known the present old gentleman, on his body, I has learned very many, has understood many, also mature many, I hoped I biggest diligently let his old age happiness.

11. 他那个时候其实还不知道老爷子的权力有多大。
      He hadn't really known the extent of the Don's power, not then.

12. 当他们看到唐·科里昂从电梯里面走出来的时候,他们像是寻求本能的保护似的从地板上一跃而起,扑向老爷子
      When they saw Don Corleone come out of the elevator, they seemed to flutter up off the white tiles in an instinctive surge toward him for protection.

13. 周六其实蛮热闹的,晚上来了好多人,胖春春,奕奕,精武两口子还有一个老爷子家的业务员,说说笑笑中,慢慢的品味此刻的欢愉。
      Many people here, Double Spring, Little Doctor, the couple of Jin Wu, also a salesman, who lives in here. Taste the joy slowly.

14. 老爷子什么意思

14. 诡计多端的老爷子比这里大多数人都要厉害。
      The crafty old sod runs rings around most of the people in this place.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 在环境险恶的抢救现场,两鬓苍苍劳累无眠的老爷子一不小心摔倒了,手臂受伤出血,却把要给他包扎的医务人员一把推开。
      At the execrable scene of salvaging, the tired Premier Wen with white hair on the temples fell over himself because of unheeding, and his arm was wounded and bleeding, nevertheless, he pushed the medical, who was going to bind up him, away.

16. 与此同时在婚礼会场楼下,简的工友和贝丝的祖父怒目而视。油船工人用手按瘪了一个啤酒罐,老爷子徒手攥碎了一个玻璃杯。
      Meanwhile, downstairs at the ceremony, Jan's shipmate and Bess'grandfather scowl at one another; the shipmate crushes a beer can, and the grandfather picks up a lemonade glass and breaks it in his bloody hand.

17. 他是我这辈子见过的最酷的老爷子
      That is the coolest old man I've met in my entire life.

18. 梦10:25:04 如果你现在看见老爷子的样子,你马上就会哭的
      If you see what happens to that old man, you will cry at once!

19. 他也是老爷子的最亲密的伙伴,最亲密的朋友。
      He was also his closest companion and his closest friend.

20. 老爷子高兴地点了点头,承认了这个巧话并且承认了这个事实。
      The Don nodded his head pleasantly, acknowledging the flattering witticism and its truth.

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