
袖筒是什么意思 袖筒在线翻译 袖筒什么意思 袖筒的意思 袖筒的翻译 袖筒的解释 袖筒的发音 袖筒的同义词 袖筒的反义词 袖筒的例句


袖筒 基本解释


袖筒[xiù tǒng]


袖筒 汉英大词典

袖筒[xiù tǒng]


  例:袖筒里入棒槌, 直入直出

    come straight to the point; without any beating about the bush

袖筒 网络解释

1. SLEEVE:スカート裙子SKIRTS | 袖筒SLEEVE | スリップドレス长衬连衣裙SLIP DRESS

袖筒 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 就连推车从袖筒里伸出的两只手,一下都被彻底冻僵了。
    And what`s even worse was that the more they talked about the more they ate and drank.

2. 推入市场的全自动袖筒式收缩包装系列设备也已得到客户的首肯。
    Into the market of automatic-sleeves series shrink packaging equipment has also been customer permission.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 我这个人你也知道,说话向来是袖筒里的棒槌——直出直入!
    Being new here, I'm very much in the dark myself!

4. 袖筒

4. 袖筒机等三十几个产品。
    Sleeves, etc. Some thirty Product.

5. 他从大衣袖筒里伸出食指,指着趴在电杆顶上的那个可怜的小东西。
    His fore finger, projecting from the sleeve of his coat, pointed up to the wretched little creature

6. 袖筒的反义词

6. 他从大衣袖筒里伸出食指,指着趴在电杆顶上的那个可怜的小东西。
    His fore finger, projecting from the sleeve of his coat, pointed up to the wretched little creature on the pole.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 他那双大骨骼的、有点发红的、从衬衣袖筒下面露出汗毛的手,把一副纸牌放在桌上,拿起仆人给他送来的玻璃杯和烟斗。
    Those broad-boned, reddish hands, with hairs visible under the shirt-cuffs, laid down the pack of cards and took up the glass and pipe that had been handed him.

8. “她从右手袖筒中放出一只雄鹰,”歌词中写道,歌词无意中引起一种朝气蓬勃的愉快的感觉。
    " My gay goshawk I took with me, From my right sleeve I set him free, " said the song, arousing an involuntary sensation of courage and cheerfulness.

9. 通过拖动添加袖筒长度可变的手。
    Drag to add a hand with variable length sleeve.

10. 店主区应钟(JimmyAu)说,关键在于比例&他店里的服装口袋都是小号的,领口和袖筒也都略小一些,裤裆则往上提。
    The key, he says, is in the proportions & his clothes are designed with smaller pockets, slightly narrower collars and sleeves, and higher crotches.

11. 袖筒

11. 赣南采茶舞蹈,是客家文化孕育出来的艺术瑰宝。单袖筒又是这瑰宝中独具特色的表演技巧之一。
      And " The Single Sleeve " is one of the unique performance skills in gannan hakka dance.

12. 袖筒什么意思

12. 第一章主要对单袖筒形态进行横向、纵向精致地剖析。
      The first chapter of the paper mainly analyzes the formation of " The Single Sleeve " horizontally and vertically.

13. 袖筒是什么意思

13. 第二章从单袖筒形态的文化体现着手,进一步论证单袖筒形态背后包裹的深刻文化意蕴。
      Starting from the culture embodies of " The Single Sleeve ", the second chapter has a further demonstration of the deep cultural connotation behind single-sleeve.

14. “她从右手袖筒中放出一只雄鹰,”歌词中写道,歌词无意中引起一种朝气蓬勃的愉快的感觉。
      " My gay goshawk I took with me, From my right sleeve I set him free," said the song, arousing an involuntary sensation of courage and cheerfulness.

15. 袖筒的翻译

15. 赣南采茶舞蹈,是客家文化孕育出来的艺术瑰宝。单袖筒又是这瑰宝中独具特色的表演技巧之一。
      And " The Single Sleeve " is one of the unique performance skills in gannan hakka dance.

16. 袖筒什么意思

16. 第一章主要对单袖筒形态进行横向、纵向精致地剖析。
      The first chapter of the paper mainly analyzes the formation of " The Single Sleeve " horizontally and vertically.

17. 袖筒的翻译

17. 第二章从单袖筒形态的文化体现着手,进一步论证单袖筒形态背后包裹的深刻文化意蕴。
      Starting from the culture embodies of " The Single Sleeve ", the second chapter has a further demonstration of the deep cultural connotation behind single-sleeve.

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