
雨打风吹是什么意思 雨打风吹在线翻译 雨打风吹什么意思 雨打风吹的意思 雨打风吹的翻译 雨打风吹的解释 雨打风吹的发音


雨打风吹 基本解释

Bully; severe tests;

雨打风吹 双语例句

1. 当我站在古罗马斗兽场的废墟上,顿感世间的一切权势纷争、金粉豪华都不过是过眼烟云。风流总被雨打风吹去,何必让身外之物、无聊之事困扰终生?
    When I stand on the ruins of ancient Rome, the Colosseum, all power in the world disputes are nothing more luxurious Gold Merry always be the wind and rain, and why so silly things troubled life?

2. 那一场爱情,像一朵花,绽放得急切,刚刚娇艳,转眼就雨打风吹了。
    That kind of love is like such a flower that came into its blooming too early but soon withered when through rains and winds.

3. 在生命轮回中找到你。我不怕雨打风吹日晒被大漠风沙伤害,让心暴露在阳光下对你表白。
    I am not afraid it is injured by the desert sand blown by the wind that the rain sends and exposes to the weather, let the heart expose and explain you under the sunshine.

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4. 年华易老,风流终被雨打风吹去&詹姆斯。贝蒂,诗人和哲学家。
    Old age comes on apace to ravage all the clime & James Beattie, poet and philosopher.

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5. 你一如既往的轻舞飞扬,无怨无悔的零落泥渠,只消一番夜雨,一阵东风,你一世的芳华,就已被雨打风吹去!
    You always Qingwu flying, unmitigated scattered clay pipes, takes only some night rain, burst of wind, your I's Fang-hua, had been the wind and rain to go!

6. 我住在坚固结实的泥砖房里,任雨打风吹,我都无事。
    I live in rugged mud-brick room, he was the wind and rain, I have nothing will happen.

7. 雨打风吹

7. 只留下雨打风吹的痕迹。
    Only the traces of wind and rain are left.

8. 雨打风吹

8. 在这个相遇又分手的年纪只会留下雨打风吹的痕迹所以为了自己,为了我爱的人和爱我的人我一定成功!
    In this encounter and the age of separation Only left traces of the wind and rain So for themselves, and I love to the people who love me and I will succeed!

9. 经受了太多的雨打风吹,就连委屈的泪水都在冲刷我的记忆。
    Now that the spring is in the air. With the flower is everywhere I wished we could both be there.

10. 我们所需要做的是祈祷深植我们的信念之根,这样我们就不会被雨打风吹所伤害。
    What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won`t be swept

11. 我们所需要做是的祈祷深植我们的信念之根,这样我们就不会被雨打风吹所伤害。
      What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be swept asunder.

12. 是的,所以,我们就将记忆说成是最美丽的风景;所以,我们的积压在心中的一切,除了能承受的,除了能抛却的,其余的都变成了一块永恒的岩石,任雨打风吹;任岁月凭说;任它刻在三生石上,永远埋藏。
      Yes, so we will say that memory is the most beautiful scenery; Therefore, our backlog in the hearts of all, in addition to be able to withstand, in addition to be able to swore, while the rest have become an eternal rock, Ren Yu beat the wind; any of the years by virtue that; let it carved in stone on the Sansei, forever buried.

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