
预述是什么意思 预述在线翻译 预述什么意思 预述的意思 预述的翻译 预述的解释 预述的发音 预述的同义词 预述的反义词 预述的例句


预述 基本解释




预述 网络解释

1. premise n:merchandise n.商品,货物 | premise n.前提,房屋连地基v.提论,预述,假定 | promise v.允许,答应;有...可能n.承诺;希望,出息

2. Flashforward:Flashback 倒述 | Flashforward 预述 | Focalization 聚焦(Genette)

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. premiern:prejudicea.预备的,初步的 | premiern.前提,房屋连地基v.提论,预述,假定 | premiumn.准备,预备;制剂,制备品

预述 双语例句

1. 第一章从叙事时序开始,主要从追述、预述和无时叙三个方面对小说进行具体分析。
    The first chapter starts from narrative order, with the focus on analepsis, prolepsis and achrony.

2. 叙事的时序变形主要有倒述和预述,它们不仅是单纯的文学技巧,而且隐藏着叙述者的态度,导致叙事评价的强化或弱化。
    The change of chronological order in narrative mainly refers to analepsis and prolepsis as literary techniques, but also imply the narrator's attitude that causes the consolidation or weakening of narrative appraise.

3. 通过各种决定,新开始和对未来的预述,最终回清晰地向我们交代了费雪一家的情况。
    With all its resolutions, new beginnings, and flash-forwards, the finale really seemed to neatly wrap-up the lives of the Fisher clan.

4. 预述作为引言或解释而提前陈述。
    To state in advance as an introduction or explanation.

5. 为了使读者明白他预述了这些备注。
    He premised these remarks so that his readers might understand *.

6. 为了使读者明白他预述了这些备注。
    These remarks so that his readers might understand....

7. 预述的解释

7. 在此基础上,进一步探讨了两种时序变形在中西小说叙事中的表现,认为西方小说中主要是倒述,中国小说中主要是预述,但随着时代的发展这种情况也有所变化,并分析了这些表现和变化的原因。
    Based on this, the paper probes further into the display of the two kinds of change of chronological order in Chinese and western novels, and holds that analepsis is more widely used in the western novels than in the Chinese novels in which prolepsis is more widely used.

8. 关于财富我们已作了以上预述,下一步将转而考察财富在不同国家与不同时代之间的巨大差异,考察财富在数量和种类方面的差异,并考察在社会成员之间分配财富的方式方面的差异。
    Respecting wealth, we shall next turn our attention to the extraordinary differences in respect to it, which exist between nation and nation, and between different ages of the world; differences both in the quantity of wealth, and in the kind of it; as well as in the manner in which the wealth existing in the community is shared among its members.

9. 他的祷告无疑的是被圣灵所引导,因为其中预述了将来的事件,如饥荒、甚至以色列民被放逐。但在以色列的黄金时代中,谁会预料到这些事呢
    This prayer was undoubtedly led by the Holy Spirit, for it anticipated future events such as famines and even the exile; but who would have suspected such things to ever take place in the middle of Israel's golden age?

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