
ABC是什么意思 ABC在线翻译 ABC什么意思 ABC的意思 ABC的翻译 ABC的解释 ABC的发音 ABC的同义词 ABC的反义词 ABC的例句 ABC的相关词组

ABC [ˌeɪ bi: ˈsi:]  [ˌeɪbi:'si:] 


ABC 基本解释

名词字母表; 基础知识; 初步,入门

abbr.American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司; Australian Broadcasting Corporation 澳大利亚广播公司; Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行

ABC 相关例句


1. The news was first broadcast on ABC.

2. My friend Susan is an ABC.


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. The new manager doesn't even know the ABC's of computers.

2. The child is just learning his ABC's.

ABC 情景对话



A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

B:Yes, I'm Dave Michaels. I'd like to talk to Amy Winters, please.
       是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。


A:Just a moment, please. I'll transfer you.


B:Thank you.


A:Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?


B:My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?
      我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?

A:I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

B:When will he be available?

A:I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

B:No, that's OK. I'll call back.

ABC 网络解释

1. 车身主动控制系统:循环) 顶置凸轮轴(OHC) 电子稳定装置(ESP) 加速防滑系统(ASR) 皮卡(PICK-UP) 涡轮增压(Turbo) 防抱死制动系统(ABS) 汽车导航系统(CIPS) 牵引力控制系统(TCS) 自动制动差速器(ABD) 车身主动控制系统(ABC) 车辆稳定性控制系

2. ABC

2. 发行量稽核组织:论坛报并非孤身作战,美国许多报纸同样面临发行量下降、读者流失、广告收入锐减等困扰. 据发行量稽核组织(ABC)的数据,截至2008年9月,美国507家日报发行量在过去半年时间减少4.64%,发行量仅为3816万份,而去年同期发行量为4002万份.

3. 发行量审核局:上周,英国的发行量审核局(ABC)的最新数字似乎也证实了这一趋势. 该机构的数字显示,除了针对低端市场的<<明星日报>>(Daily Star)以及新近从大报改为小报的<<独立报>>(Independent)和泰晤士报(Times)之外,所有全国性日报的发行量都呈下降趋势.

4. ABC

4. abc:the activity-based costing; 作业成本法

5. abc:activity-based costing management; 作业成本管理

6. abc:activity-based costing calculating; 作业成本计算

ABC 词典解释

1. (学科等的)基础知识,入门
    The ABC of a subject or activity is the parts of it that you have to learn first because they are the most important and basic.

    e.g. ...the ABC of Marxism.

2. 字母表(儿童识字、写字、拼词用的全部字母)
    Children who have learned their ABC or their ABCs have learned to recognize, write, or say the alphabet.

ABC 单语例句

1. ABC ascribed the rise to intermediate service growth and an improved business structure.

2. " We condemn absolutely this terrible act of extremism and of violence, " he told ABC Radio on Tuesday.

3. The president briefly opened a small lead in an ABC poll, but it had vanished by Saturday night.

4. A spokeswoman for ABC did not immediately return a phone call Thursday by The Associated Press seeking comment.

5. Callers to ABC Canberra talk radio overwhelmingly opposed children being allowed into the Senate, except when they are being nursed.

6. Kennedy's press secretary and later had a long career with ABC News, has died at a hospital in southern France.

7. Other projects have included the 2001 film " Pearl Harbor " and ABC's castaway drama " Lost, " which filmed here for six seasons.

8. " The nature of war doesn't change just because some feminists kick up a fuss, " spokesman Neil James told ABC radio.

9. " The international tobacco industries are scared stiff about this, " Chapman told ABC News.

10. Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel told ABC that sending more troops into Iraq at this point would be a waste.

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