
crash是什么意思 crash在线翻译 crash什么意思 crash的意思 crash的翻译 crash的解释 crash的发音 crash的同义词 crash的反义词 crash的例句

crash [kræʃ]  [kræʃ] 


crash 基本解释


动词碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉

名词崩溃; 碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌

形容词应急的; 速成的


crash 相关例句


1. crash的近义词

1. The cars crashed into each other.


1. The motorcycle crashed into the fence.

2. His company crashed last year.

3. The PC just crashed.


1. A lot of passengers were killed in the train crash.

crash 情景对话

Crash course-(速成班)

A:What are you studying all day long for? It’s summer vacation!

B:I know! I hate it! But I’m taking this crash course in math.



B:I have to take my exams for getting into the university, so I need to prepare.

A:Do you think it will help?

B:It has to! I’ve been studying every day, eight hours a day! I don’t know, but the school has a great success record.

A:Hmm…Maybe I should sign up too.

B:I’ll pick up an application fomp3 for you at school tomorrow.

crash 网络解释

1. 崩溃:IE 8 浏览器的一个重要特性就是每个Tab(选项卡)在独立的进程中运行,我们称之为LCIE (Loosely-Coupled IE). 所以大家在升级到IE8之后会发现资源管理器里面有两个或者多个ie xp lore.exe进程. LCIE 的好处在: 1)某个Tab 崩溃(crash)之后不会影响其他T

2. (欲望号快车):{mosimage}看泰伦天奴(Quentin Tarantino)的<<玩命.飞车.杀人狂>>(Death Proof),不可能不勾起大卫哥连堡(David Cronenberg)<<欲望号快车>>(Crash)的回忆,两出电影均把撞车与性爱的快感紧扣在一起.

crash 词典解释

1. 撞车;碰撞;相撞
    A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.

    e.g. His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.
    e.g. ...a plane crash.

2. (使)碰撞;(使)撞毁
    If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed.

    e.g. The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.
    e.g. ...when his car crashed into the rear of a van...

3. 猛撞;撞击
    If something crashes somewhere, it moves and hits something else violently, making a loud noise.

    e.g. The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it...
    e.g. My words were lost as the walls above us crashed down, filling the cellar with brick dust...

4. (突然间响起的)巨大声响
    A crash is a sudden, loud noise.

    e.g. Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 a.m.

5. (生意或金融体制)倒闭,破产,失败
    If a business or financial system crashes, it fails suddenly, often with serious effects.


    e.g. When the market crashed, they assumed the deal would be cancelled.

6. (计算机或计算机程序)崩溃,瘫痪
    If a computer or a computer program crashes, it fails suddenly.

    e.g. ...after the computer crashed for the second time in 10 days.

相关词组:crash out

crash 单语例句

1. Mao said the rebuilt bridge would have two cable towers to reduce the impact of any crash by ships or boats in the future.

2. That calamity came as 10 other people were killed in another crash, this one in Southwest China's Sichuan Province yesterday.

3. Babar forces particles to crash into each other and simulate the effects of the Big Bang deep under the Californian landscape.

4. A friend may call you from out of the blue and ask to crash on your sofa for a few days.

5. Only 19 people survived the crash of the Spanair plane bound for the Canary Islands.

6. But facing the unfolding global capitalist crisis, the restricted Chinese capital market helped cushion crash somewhat.

7. Along with " Brokeback Mountain, " " Crash " and " Capote " are nominated for best picture at the Oscars.

8. The Soviet Union has announced the catastrophic failure of its latest space mission, with the crash of Soyuz 1 and the death of the cosmonaut on board.

9. Bottles crash and chants reverberate against the cathedral's walls but the mood is far from dark.

10. A kindergarten that offered a " crash course " to help students get into catholic schools has promised to refund tuition fees paid for the course.

crash 英英释义


1. the act of colliding with something

    e.g. his crash through the window
           the fullback's smash into the defensive line

    Synonym: smash

2. a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)

    e.g. they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane

    Synonym: wreck

3. a loud resonant repeating noise

    e.g. he could hear the clang of distant bells

    Synonym: clangclangorclangourclangoringclankclash

4. a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)

    Synonym: collapse

5. (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative

    e.g. the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since


1. sleep in a convenient place

    e.g. You can crash here, though it's not very comfortable

    Synonym: dossdoss down

2. stop operating

    e.g. My computer crashed last night
           The system goes down at least once a week

    Synonym: go down

3. undergo a sudden and severe downturn

    e.g. the economy crashed
           will the stock market crash again?

4. hurl or thrust violently

    e.g. He dashed the plate against the wall
           Waves were dashing against the rock

    Synonym: dash

5. undergo damage or destruction on impact

    e.g. the plane crashed into the ocean
           The car crashed into the lamp post

    Synonym: ram

6. break violently or noisily

    Synonym: break upbreak apart

7. cause to crash

    e.g. The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace
           Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost

8. fall or come down violently

    e.g. The branch crashed down on my car
           The plane crashed in the sea

9. enter uninvited

    e.g. let's crash the party!

    Synonym: barge ingate-crash

10. move violently as through a barrier

    e.g. The terrorists crashed the gate

11. move with, or as if with, a crashing noise

      e.g. The car crashed through the glass door

12. make a sudden loud sound

      e.g. the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night

13. occupy, usually uninvited

      e.g. My son's friends crashed our house last weekend

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