
Email是什么意思 Email在线翻译 Email什么意思 Email的意思 Email的翻译 Email的解释 Email的发音 Email的同义词 Email的反义词 Email的例句


Email 基本解释


Email 网络解释

1. Email

1. 邮箱:将不断追求技术发展和创新,为客户提供最新的医疗解决方案与技术,帮 助从最小的诊所到最大的医院 等各个医疗机构实现长期彻底的投资回报和应用保障. 联系方式 邮箱(Email): [email protected] --

2. 电子邮箱:3-6、电子邮箱 电子邮箱(Email)是最为基础的互联网应用之一,它不但使用人数广泛,而且往往和信用卡、支付帐户等进行了绑定,电子邮件的安全问题如果解决不好,将会严重影响到整个互联网的安全和稳定.

Email 双语例句

1. First, follow the procedures to get an Application Form, fill out completely, and Email/Mail to GETCH before the deadline.

2. Email的解释

2. Our ContactForm consists of three fields: a topic, which is a choice among three options; a message, which is a character field; and a sender, which is an email field and is optional (because even anonymous feedback can be useful).
    我们的 ContactForm 包含三个字段:一个topic,它是一个三选一的选择框;一个message,它是一个文本域;还有一个sender,它是一个可选的email域(因为即使是匿名反馈也是有用的)。

3. Online Pre-registration service will be ended at 23rd February, 2008, exhibitors who do not have email
    请妥善管展商证,如有遗失须补发,大会将收取每张10 元的政费,所有款项将拨

4. I hope this note/email finds you well.

5. With a photo to the above email address.

6. Later Monday, Goldman spokesman Lucas van Praag confirmed in an email that Tourre is on'paid leave with no end date.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. The information contained in this email message may be privileged, confidential and protected from disclosure.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词


9. Email在线翻译

9. My time log laid it all out for me, showing me all the time drains I wasn consciously aware of -- checking email too often, excessive perfectionism doing tasks that didn need to be done, over-reading the news, taking too much time for meals, succumbing to preventable interruptions, etc.

10. My time log laid it all out for me, showing me all the time drains I wasn't consciously aware of -- checking email too often, excessive perfectionism doing tasks that didn't need to be done, over-reading the news, taking too much time for meals, succumbing to preventable interruptions, etc.

11. Aman preet:阿曼preet: i need product key for window vista home edition, please mail the product key to my email address...

12. Email什么意思

12. Next time you want to create a new email, just click on it.

13. But if there is one thing these globetrotters agree on, it's that there is no substitute for face time with the Abu Dhabi moneyman who holds the key to the future; with the underling who is AWOL on e-mail; with the spouse and kids, who have been a little sullen and exasperated of late.
      只是,如果有一件事是所有这些环球旅行者们都同意的,那就是,没有任何工具可以取代面对面的交流无论是去和那些对未来有重大影响的阿布扎比市的金融家交流;还是和不辞而别仅留下一封 Email 的下属交流;还是和近来有些郁闷恼火的配偶和孩子交流。

14. I'd like to sweep some reality into email marketing as well.

15. Romantically, May 20 may bring a surprise email and other communication that amazes you - and cause your heart to go thumping!

16. Email的反义词

16. Make sure this doesn't happen and include an opt-in box in the top half of your home page where your visitor can enter their name and email address in order to subscribe to your newsletter or to receive a free ebook about your niche.

17. NET library, and currently includes classes for: command line processing; credit card validation; email validation; IP address validation; imperial-metric conversion; Soundex, extended Soundex and Metaphone.

18. danci.911cha.com

18. If you use IMAP for your Email account, you can activate this function as described below

19. In the control panel of your site, insert the autoresponder email and that's all.

20. Email在线翻译

20. Please check on the receiver name, delivery address, email address and the contact No.

Email 单语例句

1. She revealed that she always kept in touch with the star of the Matrix, but by letter and not email because Reeves does not have a computer.

2. And while his weekly email magazine made no direct mention of the censure, the opening greeting yesterday was " Never give up ".

3. " There is no evidence that the two sets of seeps are related, " Chevron spokesman Kurt Glaubitz said in an email to Reuters.

4. An email to his work address was returned with a message saying he would be away from Nov 3 to Nov 10.

5. The sender provides only his email address and the number of an online messenger called QQ for contact.

6. Local media reported Cook has denied sending the email and said his account must have been hacked.

7. The information taken by Mr Mackereth on floppy disks, in hard copy form and by email amounts to 762 pages when printed out.

8. He said in a recent email to Lenovo employees that the company plans a " counterattack " within one year.

9. The spark you perceived during countless email chats can simply fizzle upon meeting the person in the flesh.

10. " The mediator has withdrawn, " CP Rail spokesman Ed Greenberg said by email.

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