
Mongolian是什么意思 Mongolian在线翻译 Mongolian什么意思 Mongolian的意思 Mongolian的翻译 Mongolian的解释 Mongolian的发音 Mongolian的同义词

Mongolian [mɒŋ'ɡəʊlɪən]  [mɑŋˈɡoliən, -ˈɡoljən, mɑn-] 


Mongolian 基本解释


形容词蒙古的; 蒙古族的; 蒙古人的; 蒙古语的


Mongolian 网络解释

1. Mongolian

1. 蒙古语:蒙古语(mongolian)使用于蒙古人民共和国和中国北方的蒙古族. 蒙古国使用西里尔字母,...

2. Mongolian的解释

2. 蒙古人:而蒙古人(Mongolian)却对黑色异常厌恶,把黑色视为不详之兆,认为它意味着不幸、贫穷等. 俄罗斯人(Russian)也忌讳黑色,有些人连黑猫也讨厌. 传说黑猫会给人带来厄运,谁如果在路上遇见黑猫谁就可能大祸临头. 许多国家都喜欢绿色 (green),

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 蒙古:例如阿拉伯 (Arabian)、土耳其 (Turkish)、蒙古(Mongolian)都是在历史上曾经让欧洲小孩不敢夜啼的民族. 自然待遇要高了很多. 甚至就连蛮族(Barbarian)这个统称也是 ian 呢. 那么对于有高度文明,却从没有被西方征服过的地方用什么呢?

4. 蒙古文:Mondex 电子现金 | Mongolian 蒙古文 | monitor 显 示 器

Mongolian 词典解释

1. 蒙古国的;蒙古国人的;蒙古语的;蒙古国文化的
    Mongolian means belonging or relating to Mongolia, or to its people, language, or culture.


    e.g. ...the Mongolian capital, Ulan Bator.

2. 蒙古国人;蒙古族人
    A Mongolian is a Mongolian citizen, or a person of Mongolian origin.

3. 蒙古语
    Mongolian is the language that is spoken in Mongolia.


    e.g. Until August of this year there was no complete translation of the New Testament in Mongolian.

Mongolian 单语例句

1. Like the Mongolian herdsmen in the book who call the wolf their teacher, modern business executives say the animal's hunting technique is very instructive.

2. The exhibition features at least 130 works the Mongolian ethnic artist has created drawing inspirations from ancient Chinese calligraphic art.

3. The first suspected HFMD case in Mongolia was reported Thursday in the Mongolian capital.

4. Xinjiang's capital and hub for most flights coming from Central Asia is Urumqi, meaning " beautiful pasture " in Mongolian.

5. Passengers can eat for free on the Chinese restaurant carriage, but must pay for food served on the Mongolian and Russian restaurant cars.

6. They are followed by Mongolian maidens holding ceremonial hada silk and heavyset fishermen clad in sheepskin coats whose horses pull sledges loaded with fishing gear.

7. There is also my husband's favorite topping - wafer thin slices of Inner Mongolian lamb fried with caramelized onion and some really hot chili strips.

8. The children's choir from the Inner Mongolia autonomous region will don traditional Mongolian attire and sing folk songs.

9. He tells why local Mongolian herdsmen see the wolves as the chosen sons of Tengger, or the sky - the supreme power in the cosmos.

10. The temple's name means " close to water " in Mongolian.

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