
Olympic是什么意思 Olympic在线翻译 Olympic什么意思 Olympic的意思 Olympic的翻译 Olympic的解释 Olympic的发音 Olympic的同义词 Olympic的反义词

Olympic [əˈlɪmpɪk]  [oˈlɪmpɪk] 


Olympic 基本解释


名词奥林匹克运动会比赛项目; [用复数][the Olympic] = Olympic Games

Olympic 相关例句


1. The Olympic Games will be held in our country in four year' time.

Olympic 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 奥运会:交易商表示,鉴于美元在今日亚洲交易时段走软,预计美元兑人民币中间价周二将再度设在人民币6.8700元下方,与奥运会(Olympic)期间的变动区间保持一致.

2. 奥林帕斯:如:理光、汤姆盛、索尼、百事可乐、本田、爱普生、奥林帕斯(OLYMPIC)、IBM、腾田株式会社、住友商社、王利电机、日立电器(HITACHI)、毕克、杜邦DUPON、三星电子、钜同电子,美特容器、信义玻璃、南精机电、广东美芝、神舟电脑、深圳联合广场、第三军医大,

Olympic 词典解释

1. 奥林匹克运动会的;奥运会的
    Olympic means relating to the Olympic Games.

    e.g. ...the reigning Olympic champion.

2. 奥林匹克运动会;奥运会
    The Olympics are the Olympic Games.

    e.g. I will be in Atlanta for the next Olympics...
    e.g. She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

Olympic 单语例句

1. Olympic fever has also hit business travel into and out of Beijing, leading to price cuts on many domestic flights.

2. Another Chinese Lu Ying took a silver in women's 100m butterfly on Sunday, adding the fourth Olympic medal to China on the second day swimming.

3. Famous Italian brands like Freddy will bring their latest designs and fans can also buy the Italian national team costume as worn by Olympic competitors.

4. All others will have to buy tickets through their corresponding national Olympic committee.

5. Investors are buying up or renting apartments near Beijing's Olympic village to set up budget family hotels in time for next year's Games.

6. The Obamas were joined by a host of Olympic athletes and Chicago Mayor Richard Daley.

7. By contrast, several established stars with world and Olympic titles will be staying at home.

8. Because the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympic Games are art shows by nature, we of course must have our own characteristics and distinguishing features.

9. The first concept to be reshaped by hosting the Olympic Games is perhaps the definition of a " modern metropolis ".

10. Sixteen journalists from different overseas media on Wednesday toured the Olympic stadia under construction in Beijing and all were impressed by the design and facilities.

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