
PC是什么意思 PC在线翻译 PC什么意思 PC的意思 PC的翻译 PC的解释 PC的发音 PC的同义词 PC的反义词 PC的例句 PC的相关词组 PC意思是什么

PC [ˌpi: ˈsi:]  [ˌpi:'si:] 


PC 基本解释

abbr.personal computer 个人计算机; 巡逻车(Patrol Car)

PC 情景对话


A:Hey Billy. You look really frustrated this morning.

B:I think my computer must have a virus.

A:Why do you say that?

B:Well, I have just tried to install some new software, but now my computer won't work properly.

A:Why didn't you ask the propeller-heads to put the new program on the PC for you?

B:Because it's not really related to work. They will get mad at me.


A:So where did you get the software?

B:It was really cheap. I bought it from some guy on the street.

A:It is probably pirated software.


B:Can you teach me all about pirated software so that my computer will work correctly again?

A:Listen carefully.

PC 网络解释

1. 聚碳酸酯:其他的一些用常用发泡剂很难实现发泡的品种也采用了超饱和气体法成功地制得了微孔塑料,如聚碳酸酯[(PC)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯[4](PET)等. 由于微孔聚合物的优异性能使其很适合应用于各种包装、隔音材料,航空和汽车零部件,

2. 个人计算机:与此同时,休斯电子公司又在世界上抢先开发出能与个人计 算机(PC)互联的DirecPC接收系统. PC机用户利用卫星电视直播的小口径接收天线, 可以高速下载互联网上的大量信息,为互联网拥挤不堪的地面线路另辟了一条高速的空 中下载通道,

3. 饭后:今年又得考执药,就当收集点常识吧,处方中的缩写常见的有:肌内注射(im),皮下 注射(sc),脑室注射(icv),动脉注射(ia),静脉注射(iv),口服(Po),灌胃(ig),饭前(ac), 饭后(pc),每天1次(qd),每晚1次(qn),每天4次(qid),每天3次(tid),

4. 预测编码:这些编码方法包括正交余弦变换编码(DCT)、预测编码(PC)、差值脉冲编码(DPCM)和可变字长编码(VLC)等. 信源编码是信道编码的逆过程. 复接设备由定时单元、调整单元、复接单元和分接单元组成. 定时单元是给设备提供一个统一的基准时间信号.

5. PC的近义词

5. pc:programming-controller; 可编程控制器

6. PC的反义词

6. pc:∶ programmable logic controller; 可编程序控制器

7. pc:prestressing reinforcing concrete; 预应力混凝土

8. pc:protective control; 预测控制

PC 词典解释

1. (英国最低级别的男性)警员
    In Britain, a PC is a male police officer of the lowest rank. PC is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'police constable'.


    e.g. The PCs took her to the local station...
    e.g. PC Keith Gate helped arrest the men.

2. 个人计算机;个人电脑
    A PC is a computer that is used by one person at a time in a business, a school, or at home. PC is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'personal computer'.

    e.g. The price of a PC has fallen by an average of 25% a year since 1982...
    e.g. Drawing offices may use PCs for computer-aided design.

3. 政治上正确的;不嘲弄弱势群体的
    If you say that someone is PC, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage. PC is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'politically correct'.

PC 单语例句

1. Attracted by the high profit margin in the real estate sector, the PC maker also developed its own property for sale and lease.

2. Yang maintained profit growth in a stagnant PC industry by expanding market share.

3. The apparently smooth incorporation of IBM's PC operation into Lenovo may have been helped by the way the deal was structured.

4. We moved the call center to Dalian after our acquisition of IBM's PC division.

5. The PC market is expected to further expand with the government's call for quality Internet cafes across the country.

6. The PC camera is another digital product that is popular during the holidays, because families with members overseas count on it to see loved ones over the Internet.

7. Yang hopes those successes will carry over into the notebook PC market.

8. So I had to make that step - change from PC to Apple.

9. The Lenovo Group will introduce a tablet PC in China within this year, according to the company's chief operating officer Rory Read.

10. The company holds market share of 70 percent in chip production in China and produced more than 5 million tablet PC chips last year.

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