
Polish是什么意思 Polish在线翻译 Polish什么意思 Polish的意思 Polish的翻译 Polish的解释 Polish的发音 Polish的同义词 Polish的反义词 Polish的例句

Polish [ˈpəʊlɪʃ]  [ˈpolɪʃ] 

Polish 基本解释

形容词波兰的; 波兰语的; 与波兰有关的; 波兰人的


Polish 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The speaker spent several days polishing her lecture.

2. His essay needs polishing.


1. Silver polishes easily with this special cloth.


1. Give your shoes a polish.

2. Polish是什么意思

2. A hot plate will spoil the polish on this table.

Polish 网络解释

1. 波兰语:她的书被翻译成法文 (French),荷兰语 (Dutch),波兰语 (Polish),韩语,英文,和汉文等六种语言. 在世界各地出版相关书籍,并与丈夫克雷.克拉克森合著了<<培养敬虔的孩子>>的工作经验. 她服务于美国国内外的母亲组织和单身组织. 萨莉和她的丈夫克雷联袂创办了

2. 钻石抛光:评价切工耍从钻石几何形状比例(Proportions),整体评估 (Finish) 其中包括钻石抛光 (Polish) 和切工精细程度 (Precision). Marcel Tolkowsky 是现代钻石切工之父,今天各种切工特别园型切工(Round Brilliant Cut) 都是在他研究的基础上发展而成.

3. 抛光:基本上精准的判读,必须要以车工仪器来监定,如果是一克拉的裸石,GIA证书上会清楚的说明:深度(Depth)桌面(Table)抛光(Polish)及对称性(Symmetry)提供新人购买时的保障与依据.

Polish 词典解释

1. 波兰的;波兰人的;波兰语(或文化)的
    Polish means belonging or relating to Poland, or to its people, language, or culture.


    e.g. The press conference was broadcast live on Polish television.
    e.g. ...the new Polish government.

2. 波兰语
    Polish is the language spoken in Poland.


Polish 单语例句


1. Visitors can expect to clock in between three and eight hours when traveling by car from one Polish stadium to another.

2. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

3. The Polish artist is looking out through the cafe window as he speaks, assessing the small side street on the other side of the glass.

4. The first step is priming the canvas with a gesso base and using a stone to polish and remove the excessive gesso.

5. The Chinese Athletics Federation hired him to polish techniques for the Chinese walkers, and the Italian has done quite a good job so far.

6. Thousands of workers from the Solidarity trade union are marching this week in the Polish capital to demand government protection for industrial jobs.

7. Meanwhile, five Polish soldiers were injured Sunday in a car accident in central Iraq.

8. Masterpieces by 13 of the most famous Polish caricature artists mirror society in ironic and humorous ways.

9. This luxury shoe polish kit by Tod's includes shoe polish, a shoehorn and some luxurious brushes in an elegant fabric and leather case.

10. Along the road from the center to downtown, business signs in Chinese and Polish can be easily spotted.

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