
Thai是什么意思 Thai在线翻译 Thai什么意思 Thai的意思 Thai的翻译 Thai的解释 Thai的发音 Thai的同义词 Thai的反义词 Thai的例句 Thai的相关词组

Thai [taɪ]  [taɪ] 


Thai 基本解释


Thai 情景对话


A:Do you want to take a cooking class with me?


B:What kind of cooking class is it?


A:It’s a Thai cooking class. They teach you how to make curries, rice dishes, and soups.


B:Do they teach you how to make the curries from scratch?


A:Of course.

B:Is it expensive?


A:Not really. It only costs 15 U.S. Dorla/session, and you get to eat the food afterwards.
      不贵,每节课只需 15 美元,然后你可以吃掉食物。

B:That about the price of a meal. Not bad.

A:If you take ten lessons, you also get a free recipe book, some Thai spices and a pan.
      如果你想上 10 节课,你还会得到一本食谱,一些泰式香料和一个锅。

B:Sign me up!

A:Do you like Thai food?

B:Not really, but I love to cook!

Thai 网络解释

1. Thai

1. 泰文:除中国外,其他地区语言皆属於复杂语系,包括:阿拉伯文(Arabic)、泰文(Thai)和印度文(Hindi)等. 这些复杂语系的文字会依前后字元改变原来形状及排列组合,并有专门的断字断行规则,还会有文字左右混排的情况产生,非一般组字程式可以处理.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 泰国语:举个例子,系统字体Lucida支持扩展的拉丁语(Latin), 希腊语(Greek), 斯拉夫语(Cyrillic), 阿拉伯语(Arabic), 希伯来语(Hebrew)和泰国语(Thai). 但如果您通过QuickDraw Text来绘制文本,那您只能访问MacRoman字符表. 要访问其余的部分,

3. 泰语翻译:阿尔巴尼亚语翻译 (Albanian) 荷兰语翻译 (Dutch) 塞尔维亚语翻译 (Serbian) 阿拉伯语翻译 (Arabian) 捷克语翻译(Czech) 斯洛伐克语翻译(Slovak) 保加利亚语翻译 (Bulgarian) 老挝语翻译 (Lao) 泰语翻译 (Thai) 波兰语翻译 (P

Thai 词典解释

1. 泰国的;泰国人的;泰语的;泰国文化的
    Thai means belonging or relating to Thailand, or to its people, language, or culture.

    e.g. Thai food is terrific.
    e.g. ...Thai businessmen.

2. 泰国人
    A Thai is a citizen of Thailand, or a person of Thai origin.

3. 泰语
    Thai is the language spoken in Thailand.

Thai 单语例句

1. Reaching it by road is easiest from the Thai side of the border.

2. Other shareholders included the Thai Finance Ministry, to which the ICBC is due to make a tender offer by November.

3. The company signed a contract on CA encryption technology with a Thai carrier.

4. Once upon a time there was a little gem called Thai Food Station.

5. The Thai authorities believe that the group might be linked to a drug trafficking gang which is normally active in the Golden Triangle area.

6. Cambodia and Thailand reignited their diplomatic row yesterday over fugitive former Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra, giving disputing accounts over consular visits to a Thai man accused of spying.

7. With the reopening of the border point at the request of the Thai side, border trade activities between the two countries have become active again.

8. " The United States is back, " she declared upon arrival in the Thai capital on Tuesday.

9. But the airline did not increase the surcharge on flights to Thai capital Bangkok.

10. The Thai project marks another step towards further capital internationalization and the globalization of resource allocation and supply chain management.

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