
Turkish是什么意思 Turkish在线翻译 Turkish什么意思 Turkish的意思 Turkish的翻译 Turkish的解释 Turkish的发音 Turkish的同义词 Turkish的反义词

Turkish [ˈtɜ:kɪʃ]  [ˈtɜ:rkɪʃ] 

Turkish 基本解释



Turkish 网络解释

1. Turkish

1. 土耳其:例如阿拉伯 (Arabian)、土耳其 (Turkish)、蒙古(Mongolian)都是在历史上曾经让欧洲小孩不敢夜啼的民族. 自然待遇要高了很多. 甚至就连蛮族(Barbarian)这个统称也是 ian 呢. 那么对于有高度文明,却从没有被西方征服过的地方用什么呢?

2. 土耳其人:其中4成来自西欧各国,不过丹麦也有土耳其人(Turkish)、巴基斯坦人(Pakistani)、索马利亚人(Somalian),以及衣索比亚人(Ethiopian)等社群. 从6月开始到7、8月是观光旺季,这时候在哥本哈根国王新广场(Kongens Ny torv)旁边的新港(Nyhavn)徒步区,

3. Turkish的意思

3. (土尔其):我们在南方香蕉花叶病的调查研究中共鉴定了三种CMV株系[1,2,3],并将其优势株系CMV-BS的衣壳蛋白(coat protein,CP)基因转入了土尔其(Turkish)烟、本生烟(Benthemiana)[4]和广东两种烤烟(G28和K326)[5],对其后代的检测表明,

Turkish 词典解释

1. 土耳其的;土耳其人的;土耳其语的;土耳其文化的
    Turkish means belonging or relating to Turkey, or to its people, language, or culture.


    e.g. …the Turkish capital, Ankara.
    e.g. …the Turkish government.

2. 土耳其语
    Turkish is the main language spoken in Turkey.


Turkish 单语例句


1. Crossing the borders has become increasingly dangerous as several Turkish trucks were destroyed by rebels on the Syrian side of the crossings.

2. He underwent bypass surgery at the Cleveland Clinic in April 1999, after Turkish doctors said his heart was working at 25 percent capacity.

3. The work paused momentarily to allow two dogs from a Turkish cadaver team to search the wreckage for missing bodies or body parts.

4. Kurdish rebels seeking autonomy from Turkey are active in the region and have targeted Turkish security forces with bomb attacks in the past.

5. People buy porcelain ware at the trade fair in Turkish capital Ankara.

6. He was introduced to millions of viewers around the world as the " President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus " in a television caption.

7. The attack came just hours after Kurdish rebels released a kidnapped Turkish soldier they had held captive for more than three weeks.

8. Turkey also is worried the Iraqi Kurds may be trying to carve out a separate homeland in northern Iraq that could inspire Turkish Kurds.

9. An international consortium is building an oil and gas pipeline through the country to move oil from the Caspian Sea to a Turkish port.

10. The new proposal would only lift the ban for women who tie the headscarf under their chin in the traditional Turkish way.

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