
abate是什么意思 abate在线翻译 abate什么意思 abate的意思 abate的翻译 abate的解释 abate的发音 abate的同义词 abate的反义词 abate的例句

abate [əˈbeɪt]  [əˈbet] 


abate 基本解释


及物动词减少,减轻; [法]取消法令,作废

不及物动词减轻; 失效

名词减轻; 折扣

abate 相关例句


1. We must abate the noise pollution in our city.

2. Nothing could abate his rage.

3. We must abate the smoke nuisance in our big cities.

4. The ship sailed when the storm abated.


1. danci.911cha.com

1. The storm has abated.

abate 网络解释

1. 缓和:调解员可以在某些方面缓和(abate)法律的严格性质而按照自然公正原则解决争议. 在就当事人之间的争议进行审理以前,仲裁员必须在一名法官或治安官(Justice of the peace)面前进行宣誓,保证就提交仲裁的争议作出公正和公平的裁决.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. 减轻,撤销(法令等):anti -dump 反倾销 | abate 减轻,撤销(法令等) | accompanying article 携带物品

3. abate什么意思

3. 减少,减轻 减少金额之事要背着他:Abash: 使羞愧/困窘 恶人向我拜师使我羞愧. | Abate: 减少,减轻 减少金额之事要背着他. | Abho r: 憎恶,厌恶 我痛恨恶霸这号人.

4. 减弱:2.grab 抓住 | 3.abate 减弱 | 4.snap up 争购,抢购

abate 词典解释

1. 减弱;减轻;减退
    If something bad or undesirable abates, it becomes much less strong or severe.

    e.g. The storms had abated by the time they rounded Cape Horn.
    e.g. ...a crime wave that shows no sign of abating.

abate 单语例句

1. China should do this now, rather than wait for the crisis to abate.

2. But nowhere is the China trade debate as volatile or passionate as in the United States and this ripple effect will not abate anytime soon.

3. The long wait took its toll on those in the line as complaints and even arguments broke out but the passion for Barbie didn't abate.

4. Zhao predicted third quarter auto sales will remain weak on a monthly basis as the effect of a policy incentives gradually abate.

5. Officials at the flood centre said the flooding should abate in the northern areas within a few days as rains subsided.

6. A steady stream of technological advancements promises to produce affordable solutions on every front to abate risks to the environment.

7. The balance of political forces in the latest developments in Iran indicates that the situation will return to normal as protests abate gradually.

8. That depends on when you think the financial crisis will abate, and the timing of that is as hard to predict as exchange rates.

9. Now more than ever improved communication between leaders and the general public is required to abate anxiety over the economy.

10. The Six Party talks should get back on track at some point and have a reasonable chance of success once tensions abate.

abate 英英释义


1. become less in amount or intensity

    e.g. The storm abated
           The rain let up after a few hours

    Synonym: let upslack offslackdie away

2. make less active or intense

    Synonym: slakeslack

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