
aboard是什么意思 aboard在线翻译 aboard什么意思 aboard的意思 aboard的翻译 aboard的解释 aboard的发音 aboard的同义词 aboard的反义词 aboard的例句

aboard [əˈbɔ:d]  [əˈbɔ:rd] 

aboard 基本解释

介词上车; 在(船、飞机、车)上,上(船、飞机、车)

副词在船(或飞机、车)上,上船(或飞机、车); 靠船边; 在船上; 在火车上

aboard 同义词


介词on board

aboard 反义词



aboard 相关例句


1. All passengers aboard fell into the river.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. We must not take combustible goods aboard.


1. They were the last two to go aboard the ship.

2. She went aboard the plane.

aboard 情景对话


A:You've traveled abroad a lot, Jim, so would you like to tell me something about clearing customs.

B:When you arrive in a country, you clear customs. A lot of countries have two channels: the green channel and the red channel. Some countries, like India, have three channels: the white channel, the green channel and the red channel.

A:Then what are the differences between the green channel and red channel?


B:If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer. If you otherwise have nothing to declare, you go straight through the green channel unless you are asked to stop by an officer. 如果你携带的东西超出免税的范围或属于禁带物品,你


A:I see.I'm told that we'll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country, is it true?

B:That's right. People go aboard for different purposes: some for pleasure, some on vacation, some on business, and some for other purposes.


A:I'm going to New Zealand for sightseeing. What should I say if they ask about my purpose?


B:Just saying "sightseeing" is OK.

aboard 网络解释

1. 在(某种运输或运载工具)上:abnormality 异常,紊乱,不正常现象 | aboard 在(某种运输或运载工具)上 | abolish 废除,取消

2. aboard在线翻译

2. 在船(飞机,车)上:ability 能力,智能,才能 | aboard 在船(飞机,车)上 | absence 缺席,不在场

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 在船上上船靠舷在船内:aboard 在船上上船靠舷 | aboard 在船上上船靠舷在船内 | abohm CGS电磁制欧姆

aboard 词典解释

1. 在(船、飞机等)上
    If you are aboard a ship or plane, you are on it or in it.


    e.g. She invited 750 people aboard the luxury yacht, the Savarona...
    e.g. They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station.

aboard 单语例句


1. Public broadcaster NHK TV urged people who were aboard the flight to call a special telephone number for consultations.

2. Shipping lanes in Australian waters typically require a seasoned captain to go aboard an incoming ship to help navigate around hazards.

3. This was his only call to his wife in the eight days he was aboard the carrier.

4. Officials initially reported 747 passengers and crew were aboard the ferry, but said Monday that it was carrying about 100 more.

5. Merchants carrying dried fish, mangos and other goods from verdant Casamance make up many of the usual travelers aboard.

6. The US Merchant Marine Academy was created following a 1934 fire in which 134 people died aboard the passenger ship Morro Castle.

7. Initially as many as eight Australians were thought to have been on the chartered plane, but the passenger manifest had shown only three people aboard.

8. Some passengers already aboard planes were asked to get off and go through security check a second time.

9. Marines aboard the chopper returned fire, killing one of the gunmen.

10. A handful of evacuees returned to the city aboard a flight from Cincinnati.

aboard 英英释义


1. on first or second or third base

    e.g. Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard

    Synonym: on base

2. on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle

    Synonym: on board

3. part of a group

    e.g. Bill's been aboard for three years now

4. side by side

    e.g. anchored close aboard another ship

    Synonym: alongside

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