
absent是什么意思 absent在线翻译 absent什么意思 absent的意思 absent的翻译 absent的解释 absent的发音 absent的同义词 absent的反义词 absent的例句

absent [ˈæbsənt]  [ˈæbsənt] 


absent 基本解释

形容词缺席的,不在场的; 缺少的,缺乏的; 不在意的,茫然的

及物动词缺席,不参加; 不在

absent 同义词

absent 反义词



absent 相关例句


1. He was absent from the meeting.

2. Three members of the class were absent this morning.

3. He looked at me in an absent way.

4. Snow is absent in his country.

absent 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 不存在:文本(text)的作者,在一旦写完文本就已经不存在(absent),等于死了. 而文本本身有无其他不变,稳固的意义呢?没有,因为文本与读者之间有着相互的关系,读者们对文本赋予不同的意义,因此才产生了文本本身. 故此,

2. 缺席的:abroad 到国外 | absent 缺席的 | absolute 绝对的

3. 不在的:absent without leave 擅离职守 | absent 不在的 | absent-minded 心不在焉的

absent 词典解释

The adjective and preposition are pronounced /'æbsənt/. The verb is pronounced /æb'sent/. 形容词和介词读作 /'æbsənt/。动词读作 /æb'sent/。

1. 不在的;缺席的
    If someone or something is absent from a place or situation where they should be or where they usually are, they are not there.

    e.g. He has been absent from his desk for two weeks...
    e.g. The pictures, too, were absent from the walls...

2. 出神的;心不在焉的
    If someone appears absent, they are not paying attention because they are thinking about something else.

    e.g. 'Nothing,' Rosie said in an absent way.

He nodded absently.

3. (父或母)不与子女一起住的
    An absent parent does not live with his or her children.


    e.g. ...absent fathers who fail to pay towards the costs of looking after their children.

4. 使不在,使离开(本应在或通常在的地方)
    If someone absents themselves from a place where they should be or where they usually are, they do not go there or they do not stay there.

    e.g. She was old enough to absent herself from the lunch table if she chose...
    e.g. He pleaded guilty before a court martial to absenting himself without leave.

5. 若没有;假设没有
    If you say that absent one thing, another thing will happen, you mean that if the first thing does not happen, the second thing will happen.


    e.g. Absent a solution, people like Sue Godfrey will just keep on fighting.

absent 单语例句


1. The only top 20 men's player absent is French Open champion Juan Carlos Ferrero, sidelined by chicken pox.

2. In addition, breast milk contains protective substances that are absent in formula milk.

3. The regulations come into effect as the central government said dairy production and circulation was " chaotic " and supervision was " gravely absent ".

4. And absent from the space so far are any " composites, " the chunks of compressed floors.

5. It's an attempt to piece together the absent bits, based on exhaustive interviews with friends and family and conjecture.

6. Wong was conspicuously absent because Madame Chiang saw her " as a decadent symbol of Western corruption of Chinese women ".

7. Maybe I do a disservice to the current rolling stock to suggest that entertainment is completely absent.

8. The Wall of Genghis Khan was absent of watchtowers dotted along its line.

9. Marion was largely absent offensively, scoring just three points heading into the final quarter.

10. But the far left is absent despite a global Occupy Movement and a strong public resentment against the financial world.

absent 英英释义


1. go away or leave

    e.g. He absented himself

    Synonym: remove



1. lost in thought
    showing preoccupation

    e.g. an absent stare
           an absentminded professor
           the scatty glancing quality of a hyperactive but unfocused intelligence

    Synonym: absentmindedabstractedscatty

2. nonexistent

    e.g. the thumb is absent
           her appetite was lacking

    Synonym: lackingmissingwanting

3. not being in a specified place

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