
abuse是什么意思 abuse在线翻译 abuse什么意思 abuse的意思 abuse的翻译 abuse的解释 abuse的发音 abuse的同义词 abuse的反义词 abuse的例句

abuse [əˈbju:s]  [əˈbjuz] 


abuse 基本解释

名词滥用; 恶习; 侮辱; 恶言

及物动词滥用; 虐待; 辱骂


abuse 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 辱骂:作者对待科学也呈严谨、客观的态度,即便有褒扬和批评之分,也不太可能无节制(immoderately)地褒扬、无限度(unrestrainedly)地批评,更不可能进行恶意的攻击(attack)、嘲讽(derision)、辱骂(abuse)等.

2. 误用:诚如该研究所言, 区网处理的绝大多数网路误用 (Abuse) 案例, 也都是等到他们被通知时,才了解到: 未安诚如该研究所言, 区网处理的绝大多数网路误用 (Abuse) 案例, 也都是等到他们被通知时,才了解到: 未安

abuse 词典解释

The noun is pronounced /ə'bjuːs/. The verb is pronounced /ə'bjuːz/. 名词读作 /ə'bjuːs/。动词读作 /ə'bjuːz/。

1. 虐待;凌辱
    Abuse of someone is cruel and violent treatment of them.

    e.g. ...investigation of alleged child abuse.
    e.g. ...victims of sexual and physical abuse.

2. 辱骂;恶语
    Abuse is extremely rude and insulting things that people say when they are angry.


    e.g. I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off...
    e.g. Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.

3. 滥用;妄用
    Abuse of something is the use of it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose.


    e.g. What went on here was an abuse of power.
    e.g. ...drug and alcohol abuse.

4. 虐待;凌辱;伤害
    If someone is abused, they are treated cruelly and violently.

    e.g. Janet had been abused by her father since she was eleven.
    e.g. ...parents who feel they cannot cope or might abuse their children.

...a convicted child abuser.

5. 辱骂;侮辱
    You can say that someone is abused if extremely rude and insulting things are said to them.

    e.g. He alleged that he was verbally abused by other soldiers.

6. 滥用;妄用
    If you abuse something, you use it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose.


    e.g. He showed how the rich and powerful can abuse their position.

...the treatment of alcohol and drug abusers.

abuse 单语例句


1. The US government is regarded as " the synonym of deception and abuse of power " by some people.

2. So the office must take action to weed out abuse of the student system, it said.

3. BEIJING - Chinese health experts are calling for a strengthening of regulations in an attempt to curb the growing abuse of heart stent surgery.

4. " This was unacceptable abuse that will be punished but it's not capital murder, " Stickler said during his closing arguments.

5. Recessive violence means husbands do not care about their wives, and may verbally or sexually abuse them.

6. As the relationship develops, he faces abuse and mockery from his caustic friend Carter and former girlfriend Jeannie.

7. The animal abuse story has been a hot topic among China's Internet users, after shocking images showed a cat with its eye gouged out.

8. Her statement came as a sexual abuse scandal sweeps the Catholic Church worldwide, with Swiss police now investigating allegations that children were harmed by priests.

9. The move is viewed as a further effort by the central administration to improve government efficiency and prevent abuse of power.

10. " Outdated social management modes and centralized power offer officials the chance to abuse their power, " he said.

abuse 英英释义


1. cruel or inhumane treatment

    e.g. the child showed signs of physical abuse

    Synonym: maltreatmentill-treatmentill-usage

2. improper or excessive use

    e.g. alcohol abuse
           the abuse of public funds

    Synonym: misuse

3. a rude expression intended to offend or hurt

    e.g. when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse
           they yelled insults at the visiting team

    Synonym: insultrevilementcontumelyvilification


1. change the inherent purpose or function of something

    e.g. Don't abuse the system
           The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers

    Synonym: pervertmisuse

2. use wrongly or improperly or excessively

    e.g. Her husband often abuses alcohol
           while she was pregnant, she abused drugs

3. use foul or abusive language towards

    e.g. The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket
           The angry mother shouted at the teacher

    Synonym: clapperclawblackguardshout

4. treat badly

    e.g. This boss abuses his workers
           She is always stepping on others to get ahead

    Synonym: mistreatmaltreatill-usestepill-treat

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