
acclaiming是什么意思 acclaiming在线翻译 acclaiming什么意思 acclaiming的意思 acclaiming的翻译 acclaiming的解释 acclaiming的发音 acclaiming的同义词



acclaiming 基本解释


向…欢呼( acclaim的现在分词 );向…喝彩;称赞…;欢呼或拥戴为…;

acclaiming 双语例句

1. acclaiming在线翻译

1. We come today Everyman of do sth over and over again, acclaiming our pony elder brother after all is a bit ham.

2. On February 29, the World Journal published a report highly acclaiming the Zigen Fund.
    世界日报在 2 月 29 日发表了一篇对滋根音乐会高度评价的报导。

3. His intrinsic beauty and power meant nothing to the hundreds of thousands who were acclaiming him and buying his books.

4. After the outstanding performance, all the audience are ardently clapping their hands, admiring and acclaiming us.

5. When Athaliah heard the din of the people running and acclaiming the king, she went to the people in the temple of the LORD.

6. The work – BuKe moves towards head of the wolf group experience through the leading character German shepherd from the pet, expressed the Jake London to be disappointed to thecivilized society and to wilderness acclaiming, and borrowed this subject to express the person and the nature relations ponder and theexploration.

7. Once, had visited Kong Keqiang to a Japanese world famous enterprise studies, in opposite party Heat treatment shop, his vision is being processed by one electric stove to attract immediately, because has met in some technical difficult problem in the production homogeneous model's electric stove, Kong Keqiang wants to know how this enterprise is processes these links, therefore suit and dress shoes'he without hesitation crawled in the electric stove, has come an intimate contact with electric stove's core spot, enough some a half hour, but Kong Keqiang crawled once again, discovered that opposite party enterprise's mister led the staff to line up in formation nearby the electric stove waits, saw that Kong Keqiang, steps onto immediately goes to grip him to be stained with the full greasy dirt the hand, sends out a succession of acclaiming, expressed that understood finally why the Wuhan Hankou electric stove Limited liability company could produce so the high quality electric stove.

8. acclaiming是什么意思

8. In athletic field, you are the youthful acclaiming.

9. acclaiming的近义词

9. Please add my warmest congratulations to the large chorus of friends acclaiming your graduation.

10. Acclaiming a report is not your fault, but lie pry privacy, be you is incorrect!

11. Although acclaiming reforms, Gao Jianfu did not totally negate traditional Chinese painting. Instead, he thought that there was a glorious page in the history of Chinese painting.

12. acclaiming

12. The act of greeting or acclaiming.

acclaiming 单语例句

1. While acclaiming Zhang's attempt to apprehend the two robbers, a lawyer representing the pair insisted he should have given them a chance to repent.

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