
accumulate是什么意思 accumulate在线翻译 accumulate什么意思 accumulate的意思 accumulate的翻译 accumulate的解释 accumulate的发音 accumulate的同义词

accumulate [əˈkju:mjəleɪt]  [əˈkjumjəˌlet] 


accumulate 基本解释



accumulate 相关例句


1. He accumulated a good library.

2. accumulate的解释

2. By buying ten books every month, he soon accumulated a good library.

3. They set to work accumulating a huge mass of data.


1. accumulate的近义词

1. His debts accumulated.

2. Dust quickly accumulates if we don't sweep our room.

3. accumulate

3. Dust had accumulated during her absence.

accumulate 网络解释

1. 累积:宽频接取原义是指一种个人用户进入高速骨干网路的设备,在意象上就像由交流道进入高速公路,但是更广义地说,AccFast这个名字是要把人类带进宽频生活,快速地加速(Accelerate) 并且累积(Accumulate)技术能量,创造更宽广的生活.

2. accumulate的翻译

2. 积累:而且杜比还有助于多音轨(multitrack)录音,以往多音轨的各个音规的器材噪声(equitment noise)会积累(accumulate)成为很强的噪声,现在杜比★.第一个短文(好象是8-9左右).

3. accumulate

3. 累加:早期的计算机上,寄存器的使用似乎不像现在这样随便,这从寄存器的名字就可以看出来,eax是累加(accumulate)寄存器,ecx是计数(counter)寄存器,不过后来这种限制就不多了,对内存的操作几乎所有的寄存器都可以.

4. 积聚:触发指令列表(部分)--条件 积聚(ACCUMULATE) 当特定势力聚集足够的资源时. 总是(ALWAYS) 没有任何条件,游戏开始时就会自动执行. 带来(BRING) 当特定势力将特定单位带到特定地点时. 控制(COMMAND) 当特定势力控制一定数量的特定单位时.

accumulate 词典解释

1. 堆积;积累;积聚
    When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or are gathered over a period of time.

    e.g. Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets...
    e.g. Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached.

accumulate 单语例句


1. Despite continued net capital inflows, foreign exchange reserves would accumulate more slowly.

2. It was not China's intention to accumulate its current big surplus.

3. If China continues to accumulate more foreign exchange reserves, the international gold price may soar.

4. Brazil rate as dangerous floaters, while New Zealand will be looking to accumulate valuable experience.

5. They can accumulate in the fatty tissue of living organisms becoming toxic to humans and wildlife.

6. Bacteria never accumulate on the front part of the tongue, which is always in contact with the palate.

7. They accumulate the toxic chemical in their bodies from eating smaller fish that graze on the poisonous algae.

8. It takes a long time for pollutants to accumulate in soil to the point of causing real harm.

9. But that turns out to be our wishful thinking as new traces of melamine accumulate in the marketplace.

10. In this way, rural residents can accumulate their wealth from the added value of their land.

accumulate 英英释义


1. collect or gather

    e.g. Journals are accumulating in my office
           The work keeps piling up

    Synonym: cumulateconglomeratepile upgatheramass

2. get or gather together

    e.g. I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife
           She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis
           She rolled up a small fortune

    Synonym: roll upcollectpile upamasscompilehoard

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