
ace是什么意思 ace在线翻译 ace什么意思 ace的意思 ace的翻译 ace的解释 ace的发音 ace的同义词 ace的反义词 ace的例句 ace的相关词组

ace [eɪs]  [es] 


ace 基本解释

名词幺点; 发球得分; 王牌驾驶员; 佼佼者

形容词第一流的; 极好的; 能干的; 杰出的

及物动词发球得分; 彻底打败,击败; 得高分; 顺利通过考试

ace 相关例句


1. I'll not wag an ace further.

2. She's an ace at carving.

3. ace

3. He is an ace at chess.

ace 网络解释

1. ace在线翻译

1. 自动呼叫设备:摘要 本标准适用于数据通信所用的数据终端设备(DTE)和自动呼叫设备(ACE)之间的互连. 适用范围 数据通信所用的数据终端设备(DTE)和自动呼叫设备(ACE)之间的互连.

2. ace的翻译

2. 发球直接得分:反之,韦塞尔在比赛中一共有10个发球直接得分(ACE)球,王钰虽拼尽了全力还是一直找不到破发的办法. 第一局韦塞尔以6:1轻松拿下.

3. ace:angiotension converting enzyme; 血管紧张素转化酶

4. ace的反义词

4. ace:auto customer expectation; 最满意汽车

5. ace的近义词

5. ace:automatic checkout equipment; 自动检测设备

6. ace:association of cinema editors; 影片剪辑者协会

ace 词典解释

1. A纸牌
    An ace is a playing card with a single symbol on it. In most card games, the ace of a particular suit has either the highest or the lowest value of the cards in that suit.

    e.g. ...the ace of hearts.

2. (在运动等方面)成绩超群的人,佼佼者
    If you describe someone such as a sports player as an ace, you mean that they are very good at what they do.

    e.g. ...former motor-racing ace Stirling Moss.

3. 非常好的;顶呱呱的
    If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot.


    e.g. ...a really ace film.

4. (网球中的)发球得分,爱司球
    In tennis, an ace is a serve which is so fast that the other player cannot reach the ball.

    e.g. The American served three aces in the opening game of the set.

5. 占绝对优势;占尽天时地利人和
    If you say that someone holds all the aces, you mean that they have all the advantages in a contest or situation.

    e.g. 'When I was an adolescent,' says a thirty-one-year-old man, 'I thought girls held all the aces.'

6. 秘藏的王牌;应急的绝招;锦囊妙计
    Something that is an ace in the hole is an advantage which you have over an opponent or rival, and which you can use if necessary.

    e.g. Our superior technology is our ace in the hole.

7. 差点;险些
    If you come within an ace of doing something, or you are within an ace of doing something, you very nearly do or experience it.

    e.g. He was intent on murder and he came within an ace of succeeding.

ace 单语例句

1. The study found a link between taking centrally active ACE inhibitors and lower rates of mental decline.

2. Sharapova won every game she served and closed the victory with her eighth ace.

3. But experienced Davenport still sealed the final win with an ace and a couple of forehand winners.

4. The Real Madrid ace is due to play the day after Cruise and Holmes tie the knot in Italy next month.

5. They are the ace players to watch in the final which will give the answer to who is superior.

6. Saddam was the ace of spades in the deck of cards of wanted Iraqi leaders released by the United States.

7. Saddam is represented by the ace of spades, the most valuable card in the pack.

8. On his table were bottles of champagne but he wanted a magnum bottle of Ace Of Spades champagne.

9. The win paid off his defeat to Filipino ace Francisco Bustamante in the Philippine leg's qualifying round in 2005.

10. Soccer ace David Beckham landed fourth place and Brad Pitt was voted fifth in the annual rundown.

ace 英英释义



1. a serve that the receiver is unable to reach

2. one of four playing cards in a deck having a single pip on its face

3. someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

    Synonym: adeptchampionsensationmavenmavinvirtuosogeniushotshotstarsuperstarwhizwhizzwizardwiz

4. the smallest whole number or a numeral representing this number

    e.g. he has the one but will need a two and three to go with it
           they had lunch at one

    Synonym: one1Isingleunity



1. serve an ace against (someone)

2. play (a hole) in one stroke

3. score an ace against

    e.g. He aced his opponents

4. succeed at easily

    e.g. She sailed through her exams
           You will pass with flying colors
           She nailed her astrophysics course

    Synonym: breeze throughpass with flying colorssweep throughsail throughnail


1. of the highest quality

    e.g. an ace reporter
           a crack shot
           a first-rate golfer
           a super party
           played top-notch tennis
           an athlete in tiptop condition
           she is absolutely tops

    Synonym: A-onecrackfirst-ratesupertiptoptopnotchtop-notchtops(p)

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