
acidity是什么意思 acidity在线翻译 acidity什么意思 acidity的意思 acidity的翻译 acidity的解释 acidity的发音 acidity的同义词 acidity的反义词

acidity [əˈsɪdəti]  [əˈsɪdɪti] 

acidity 基本解释

名词酸性; <化>酸性; <医>胃酸过多; (言词等的)类刻

acidity 网络解释

1. 酸度:2) 酸度(Acidity),这是用来测定每一百克油脂中自由脂肪酸(Free Fatty Acids)所占的比例的指标. 它是个天然的酸值. 国际橄榄油理事会和欧盟的标准显示,特级原生橄榄油的酸度都应≤0.8.

2. 酸性:正常人的血液呈弱碱性(Weak alkalinity; PH7.35~7.45),当酒精 (Alcohol; C2H5OH) 进入人体,会使人体的血液呈酸性 (Acidity),酶有能力把它还原 (Reduction) 成弱碱性亦称为碱化作用 (Alkalization),但是当酒精的酸化 (Acidify)速度,

3. 酸味:二、酸味(acidity)这里所指的酸味,系指葡萄经过发酵所产生的一种酒石酸(Tartaric). 它对葡萄酒的陈年老化有很大的影响. 新酿造的葡萄酒,一定带有这种酸味,可是时间隔久后,酸味也随之消失,而葡萄酒本身的优点也自然显露出来.

4. 酸性,酸度:reaction rates 反应速率 | acidity 酸性,酸度 | adsorb 吸附

acidity 单语例句

1. And flavor chemists have found that high alcohol levels accentuate a wine's bitterness, reduce its apparent acidity and diminish the release of most aroma molecules.

2. The searing heat is soothed by the White Zin's pleasant acidity.

3. The newer vines tend to produce more powerful wines with higher levels of alcohol but less acidity and more complex fruit characteristics.

4. But with wine playing a bigger role in Asian dining, she said the two key elements to look for were acidity and versatility.

5. Other instruments measure currents and seismic activity, while another part studies how higher acidity would affect marine life.

6. The water quality had been unaffected by the flooding of the reservoir, and acidity and alkalinity showed little difference from records of past decades.

7. Coral growth has slowed markedly on the reef since 1990, believed to be caused by warmer seas and higher acidity.

8. It is light and has citrus flavors - lemon and lime - with lots of sherbert acidity.

9. The natural acidity gives the wine great structure and wonderful length, so it would keep for decades.

10. The wine has a great balance of fruit and acidity, and exhibits a depth in the mouth that creates joy.

acidity 英英释义



1. the property of being acidic

    Synonym: sournesssour

2. pH values below 7

3. the taste experience when something acidic is taken into the mouth

    Synonym: acidulousness

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