
acquaintance是什么意思 acquaintance在线翻译 acquaintance什么意思 acquaintance的意思 acquaintance的翻译 acquaintance的解释 acquaintance的发音

acquaintance [əˈkweɪntəns]  [əˈkwentəns] 


acquaintance 基本解释

名词相识; 相识的人,熟人; 对…有了解; 知识,心得


acquaintance 相关例句


1. He has a large circle of acquaintances.

2. I have some acquaintance with the Russian.

3. I have some acquaintance with Spanish.

4. I have some acquaintance with English, but I do not know it well.

5. I have no acquaintance with this book.

acquaintance 网络解释

1. 熟人:我猜想,为什么我们会有熟人( acquaintance)这个字. 当我们熟悉时,我们就有粗略的知识;而当我们知道时,我们就有意识到的确定性. 当我们想到那些我们所认识,而且尊散的人时,我们通常会欣赏他们看起来的样子,他们的想法、谈吐,甚至他们的衣着.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 相识:关系 性爱型人际关系 职员/专业型人际关系 Tong Lake (1981) 权力之人际关系 交易之人际关系 爱情之人际关系 张宏文 (1996) 陌生(strange) 相识(acquaintance) 朋友(friend) 爱侣(lover) 孔子(周代) 君君 臣臣 父父 子子 由上可知,

3. 认识:我认识(acquaintance)的GGMM们都有自己的QQ空间了 不过,我相信我的空间是独一无二的! 我喜欢交朋友,呵呵 如果你喜欢网游,加我QQ空间好友吧 如果想和我多聊一些(bit) 给我 留言 ,给我发小纸条 或者直接 加我好友 吧! 另外,

4. acquaintance的近义词

4. 相识但是不是很熟的人:1.acceptance 接受;赞同 | 2.acquaintance 相识但是不是很熟的人 | 3.anniversary 周年纪念日

acquaintance 词典解释

1. 认识的人;泛泛之交
    An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.

    e.g. The proprietor was an old acquaintance of his...
    e.g. I have a large circle of friends and acquaintances engaged in photography.

2. 认识;相识
    If you have an acquaintance with someone, you have met them and you know them.


    e.g. ...a writer who becomes involved in a real murder mystery through his acquaintance with a police officer...
    e.g. On first acquaintance she is cool and slightly distant.

3. 了解;熟悉
    Your acquaintance with a subject is your knowledge or experience of it.

    e.g. They had little or no acquaintance with philosophy or history...

4. 与(某人)初次相识;结识(某人)
    When you make someone's acquaintance, you meet them for the first time and get to know them a little.


    e.g. I first made his acquaintance in the early 1960s...
    e.g. I am so pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr Tweed.

5. 所认识的
    A person of your acquaintance is someone who you have met and know.

    e.g. ...a highly cultivated woman of our acquaintance.

acquaintance 单语例句

1. By chance, an acquaintance with a CPPCC member named Xiao Yan gave me the first lesson.

2. The older man offers his new acquaintance a room in his large decaying mansion, and the two warily become friends.

3. Though Hai had chopped off his hair so that he would not be identified, an acquaintance recognized him at a wedding banquet and informed the police.

4. She was forced to address racism at college, where she was stalked by an acquaintance with a fascination with her Asian heritage.

5. After making the acquaintance of a man the same age as Ke, her children arranged a wedding ceremony for the pair.

6. Without even asking for a deposit, the hotel staff immediately contacted a local acquaintance and sent the present in time.

7. Police said both were driven from the hotel by an acquaintance, and the bodyguard did not want to press charges.

8. Her son was found safe Thursday in Tokyo at an acquaintance's home, but radio signals from her cellphone in Yamanashi Prefecture disappeared Tuesday evening.

9. An acquaintance of Wesson's said Wesson had lived with five women and appeared to have a romantic relationship with each.

10. Shenhua's Chelsea frontline of Drogba and Anelka will be tested by their old Premier League acquaintance Manchester United in a friendly on Wednesday in Shanghai.

acquaintance 英英释义


1. personal knowledge or information about someone or something

    Synonym: familiarityconversanceconversancy

2. a person with whom you are acquainted

    e.g. I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances
           we are friends of the family

    Synonym: friend

3. a relationship less intimate than friendship

    Synonym: acquaintanceship

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