
addressing是什么意思 addressing在线翻译 addressing什么意思 addressing的意思 addressing的翻译 addressing的解释 addressing的发音 addressing的同义词



addressing 基本解释

动词处理; 演讲; 称呼(address的现在分词); 致函


addressing 网络解释

1. 定址:链结层里的媒体存取控制 (MAC) 子层负责实际的定址与网路媒体1.定址 (Addressing) 链结层负责处理网路上装置的实际位址 (网路上每个装置都有其随附的硬体位址).

2. 编址:这一层提供必需的编址(Addressing)以通过互连不相邻开放系统间的中间节点或系统. 本系统按西门子IP通信处理器544的数据语法发送544所支持的命令字(Function Code)来进行双方的数据交换. 主-从关系:工程师操作站开始传递数据时,

3. 称呼:如称呼(Addressing),介绍(Introducing),关心(Showing concern) ,打电话(Making telephone calls)等等. 此外还要掌握合适性原则,即教师必须精心准备一些与所学的语言内容密切相关的、与日常交际所涉及的功能项目及一般话题密切相关的文化内容.

4. addressing:addr; 寻址

addressing 单语例句

1. The work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits was strengthened.

2. Many Japanese husbands call their wives " you " rather than addressing them by name, or in some cases merely grunt.

3. An Israeli Cabinet minister apologized yesterday after being caught by television cameras using a racial slur in addressing an Arab police officer.

4. Wang proposed the two deepen a strategic trust and take a candid and pragmatic approach in addressing differences.

5. China will also enhance its capacity building on addressing climate change and make new contributions to the protection of global climate.

6. The Chinese premier made the statement while addressing more than 800 Chinese and South African business people at a business forum held in Cape Town.

7. But the transfer of NPLs augmented by capital injections is seen as the first and relatively easier step in addressing the issue.

8. China is in favour of a multifaceted approach to addressing the issue, taking into full account the specific situation and actual capacities of different countries.

9. China's central bank stoked expectations of further renminbi appreciation on Wednesday by saying the exchange rate could play a role in addressing international payments imbalances.

10. China and India will almost certainly work together closely in addressing how we reach fair outcomes on these challenges.

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