
adjunct是什么意思 adjunct在线翻译 adjunct什么意思 adjunct的意思 adjunct的翻译 adjunct的解释 adjunct的发音 adjunct的同义词 adjunct的反义词

adjunct [ˈædʒʌŋkt]  [ˈædʒˌʌŋkt] 


adjunct 基本解释




adjunct 网络解释

1. adjunct的反义词

1. 修飾語:尽管与句法学家传统所做的论元(argument)与修饰语(adjunct)的区分有相当一部分的重合,这二者并不相同. 传统的区分主要是基于诸如提取(extraction)这种有关句法配置和句法现象所作的假设. 我们的概念主要是语义的,

2. 附加語:详见下文: 英语副词的分类及其用法 英语副词是对动词、形容词、其他副词或者一个句子起描述作用,或者对其意义作进一步说明的词.英语副词根据其句法功能可分为附加语(adjunct)、联加语(conjunct)和外加语(disjunct).各类副词在句中的位置各不相同,

3. 修饰性副词:地点副词 adverb of place | 修饰性副词 adjunct | 连接性副词 conjunct

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 附属物:adjudicator 审判者 | adjunct 附属物 | adjunct 助手

adjunct 词典解释

1. 附属品;辅助物
    Something that is an adjunct to something larger or more important is connected with it or helps to perform the same task.


    e.g. Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments...
    e.g. The Party was certainly not an official adjunct of the police department.

2. (语法中的)修饰成分
    In grammar, an adjunct is a word or group of words which indicates the circumstances of an action, event, or situation. An adjunct is usually a prepositional phrase or an adverb group.


adjunct 单语例句


1. The author is head of the Copenhagen Consensus Center, and adjunct professor at Copenhagen Business School.

2. The conflict should not have arisen in the first place because legislators had drafted the necessary adjunct clause to the Real Rights Law.

3. All members are adjunct experts who volunteer to participate in standard formulation and provide the ASTM with free services in our standards.

4. It's tied closely to the underground rave world, but is also legitimately used by therapists as an adjunct to psychotherapy.

5. He had the title of adjunct professor at Beijing Jiaotong University and was a member of the national work safety expert team.

6. In an adjunct trend, this year's slate could serve as a PSA about the dangers of driving.

7. Today's Tsingtao contains a proportion of less expensive rice as an adjunct in the mash.

8. Wong attended Yale University and the Yale School of Drama and is currently an adjunct faculty member at Seattle University.

9. He will be an adjunct professor in a Masters of Law program at Tsinghua University this summer.

10. The author is a partner of Jones Day, and adjunct professor of Peking University Law School.

adjunct 英英释义


1. a construction that can be used to extend the meaning of a word or phrase but is not one of the main constituents of a sentence

2. something added to another thing but not an essential part of it

3. a person who is an assistant or subordinate to another



1. of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another

    Synonym: assistant

2. furnishing added support

    e.g. an ancillary pump
           an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism
           The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other

    Synonym: accessoryancillaryadjuvantappurtenantauxiliary

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