
admire是什么意思 admire在线翻译 admire什么意思 admire的意思 admire的翻译 admire的解释 admire的发音 admire的同义词 admire的反义词 admire的例句

admire [ədˈmaɪə(r)]  [ædˈmaɪr] 


admire 基本解释


及物动词欣赏; 赞赏; 称赞; <美口>想要


admire 相关例句


1. We admired him all the more for his frankness.

2. He admires your poems very much.

3. admire在线翻译

3. He admired her new hat.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. I admire (him for) his courage.

admire 情景对话


A:I really admire you for your (hard work/ knowledge/ dedication).

B:Oh, it’s nothing.



B:What is your strongest trait?

A:Helpfulness and caring./Adaptability and sense of humor./Cheerfulness and friendliness.

B:How would your friends or colleagues describe you?

A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sensitive, caring and determined person.

B:What personality traits do you admire


A:(I admire a person who is)honest, flexible and easy-going./(I like) people who possess the "can do" spirit.

Night class-(上夜课)

A:Where are you going?


B:It’s Tuesday today. I always go to my class on Tuesday night.

A:I didn’t know you were taking any kind of class. Tell me about it.


B:Well, I’m learning how to use math in the business environment.


A:What for?

B:The job market is so competitive nowadays. I want to develop some useful skills.


A:I really admire you for that. How is it going?

B:It’s going all right. I’m learning some things for the first time, but I’m also brushing up on some things that I already know.

admire 网络解释

1. 钦佩:记者问胖子对小古没有国家队有什么看法,胖子说,我非常非常尊敬钦佩(admire)他,但是这件事我不想卷入其中.

2. 羡慕:作者肯定尊敬(respect)她,也赞美(praise)过她,羡慕(admire)过她,但却见不到她,就只有暗暗地思念(miss)她了. 10 B 逻辑推理 她是不是出了什么意外?是不是出了更为糟糕(worse)的事情?作者在暗暗思念,为她焦虑,担心她会有什么不测.

3. admire的近义词

3. 赞赏:且前后句子的时态均为现在时,故此处应填动词原形. thus表明本空所在句子应为前句内容导致的结果. 既然美国人认为应该把时间用在有意义的事情上,那么他们对于 well-organized person(有条理的人)应该是持赞赏(admire)的态度. 沪

admire 词典解释

1. 钦佩;欣赏;羡慕
    If you admire someone or something, you like and respect them very much.


    e.g. I admired her when I first met her and I still think she's marvellous...
    e.g. He admired the way she had coped with life...

2. 欣赏;观赏
    If you admire someone or something, you look at them with pleasure.


    e.g. We took time to stop and admire the view.

3. see also: admiring

admire 单语例句

1. It is best to set aside a whole day to admire the many statues and bas reliefs.

2. The violence content in publications has increasingly polluted the hearts of teenagers, making some of them admire those who act violently and slip into crimes.

3. So many Chinese people who have been to Japan admire the country most for its " cleanness ".

4. She's a great champion and I admire her a lot, both as an athlete and how she handles herself.

5. " These are the people that I admire, " he replies.

6. Over in the northwestern corner of the park is an altogether more sedate atmosphere, a spot to enjoy the scenery and admire the work of numerous ground calligraphers.

7. A poll showed that 43 per cent of primary school students surveyed admire cyber hackers and 33 per cent aspire to become hackers themselves.

8. The move away from foreign cosmetics brands to domestic versions is a slow one, as domestic consumers have grown to trust and admire foreign brands.

9. I really admire her for the image she has created - and the fact she keeps her real self and her brand separate.

10. It's natural for people to admire and follow public figures they like, but it's also unnecessary to get overly curious about these stars'affairs.


admire 英英释义


1. feel admiration for

    Synonym: look up to

2. look at with admiration

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