
admirer是什么意思 admirer在线翻译 admirer什么意思 admirer的意思 admirer的翻译 admirer的解释 admirer的发音 admirer的同义词 admirer的反义词

admirer [ədˈmaɪərə(r)]  [ədˈmaɪərər] 


admirer 基本解释


名词崇拜者; 赞赏者; 羡慕者; (女子的)爱慕者

admirer 相关例句


1. admirer的解释

1. He is one of her many admirers.

2. admirer什么意思

2. They are admirers of the great philosopher.

3. She has many admirers.

admirer 网络解释

1. 仰慕者:这首歌还是我那年过40已在国泰航空(Cathay Pacific Airlines)服务超过10年的老哥凯文分享给我的,男生 ~ 被笑很 gay 佬 / 女生 ~ 吸引一堆苍蝇般的仰慕者(admirer)来看你扭腰摆臀(wiggle your hips)哪!

2. 崇拜者:现在晚餐是我们首要<会饮篇>>的引子描写阿波罗多罗斯(Apollodorus)应他朋友的要求,给他的场为了庆祝亚加松(Agathon)的第一部悲剧获得大奖而举行的宴会. 后来亚里斯(lover)还是狂热崇拜者(admirer)的问题就显得比较敏感. 小小一处用词的不

3. 景慕者:admire 赞美 | admirer 景慕者 | admiring 赞赏的

4. admirer在线翻译

4. 爱慕者:kissing hands 吻手禮 (華人無此習俗) | admirer 愛慕者 | exuberant 繁茂/豐富

admirer 词典解释

1. 钦佩者;欣赏者
    If you are an admirer of someone, you like and respect them or their work very much.

    e.g. He was an admirer of her grandfather's paintings.

2. (女人的)追求者,爱慕者
    A woman's admirers are the men who are attracted to her.

    e.g. Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers.

admirer 单语例句

1. Tang was a secret admirer of his Chinese teacher ever since he was a grade two student in senior high school.

2. I have been an admirer of the US Constitution's First Amendment since my school days.

3. Monsieur Chirac has indeed been an avid admirer of Asia and Asian culture and civilization, and is said to possess great knowledge of the region.

4. Avril Lavigne has surprised herself by becoming an admirer of Britney Spears, after realising how difficult it is to sing and dance at the same time.

5. I've always been a great admirer of Shakespeare, but I think that at least in this instance he got it wrong.

6. But you look at the piles of evidence and become a silent admirer of this gritty soul.

7. Sarah isn't the only member of her household to be a Lady Gaga fan, her son James Wilkie is also a huge admirer.

8. The Hunan native is a big admirer of a compatriot from his hometown - Chairman Mao Zedong.

9. Sir Alex Ferguson is a known admirer of Figo, and could make a move to sign him at the end of the season.

10. A secret admirer sent tens of thousands of roses to the women's dormitory of the Zhejiang University of Media and Communications.

admirer 英英释义



1. someone who admires a young woman

    e.g. she had many admirers

    Synonym: adorer

2. a person who admires
    someone who esteems or respects or approves

3. a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    e.g. all their supporters came out for the game
           they are friends of the library

    Synonym: supporterprotagonistchampionboosterfriend

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