
admission是什么意思 admission在线翻译 admission什么意思 admission的意思 admission的翻译 admission的解释 admission的发音 admission的同义词

admission [ədˈmɪʃn]  [ædˈmɪʃən] 


admission 基本解释


名词承认; 准许进入; 坦白; 入场费

admission 相关例句


1. Admission by ticket only.

2. She has the qualifications for admission to the college.

3. He made an admission that he had used threatening behavior.

admission 网络解释

1. 录取:13:录取(admission)如果申请入学获得批准,申请人会收到学校的入学通知和用于申请签证的学校入学许可,如英国的IM2A申请表、澳大利亚的157W申请表、美国的I-20表(非移民身份证明,适用于外国留学生)和IAP-66表(交换访问学者的身份证明,

2. admission什么意思

2. 接纳:所谓放行时间就是事务可以开始执行的最早时 间,与此相联的有事务到 达(Arrive)时 间、事务接 纳(Admission)时 间. 截止期最早最优 先(Earliest Deadline First) 即具有最早截止期者优先级最 高.

3. 入学:例如,要查找斯坦福大学(Stanford University) 网站上的入学 (admission) 信息,可以采用以下方法:

admission 词典解释

1. 准许进入;准许加入;进入;加入
    Admission is permission given to a person to enter a place, or permission given to a country to enter an organization. Admission is also the act of entering a place.

    e.g. Students apply for admission to a particular college...
    e.g. Poland and Czechoslovakia have vigorously pursued admission to the European Community...

2. 获准入学者
    Admissions to a place such as a school or university are the people who are allowed to enter or join it.


    e.g. Each school sets its own admissions policy.

3. 入场费;门票费
    Admission at a park, museum, or other place is the amount of money that you pay to enter it.

    e.g. Gates open at 10.30am and admission is free.

4. (对过错等的)承认,供认
    An admission is a statement that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true.


    e.g. By his own admission, he is not playing well...
    e.g. She wanted some admission of guilt from her father.

admission 单语例句


1. She settled the claim earlier this month following an apology and admission of error by the Daily Mirror newspaper.

2. Some tourist attractions are also reportedly raising cable car admission prices in order to increase revenue.

3. There were similarities when it came to medical care and admission to college.

4. If not, applicants will result in immediate cancellation of school admission.

5. Cardinal Joseph Zen has come under fire after his admission on Wednesday that he provided financial support to the " underground church " on the mainland.

6. Media reports say the actress received a Hong Kong citizenship certificate under the " Quality Migrant Admission Scheme " at the end of January.

7. Crown tickets will cost $ 3 above the regular Liberty and Ellis islands admission charge, which is $ 12 for adults.

8. Western countries have a classification system that allows adults to watch movies with sexually explicit scenes and denies admission to minors.

9. His comments were soon seen by the international community as an admission that he had a responsibility for the riots in Lhasa.

10. After comparing the photos on his admission form and identity card, the proctor decided the student was an impostor.

admission 英英释义


1. the act of admitting someone to enter

    e.g. the surgery was performed on his second admission to the clinic

    Synonym: admittance

2. the right to enter

    Synonym: entreeaccessaccessionadmittance

3. an acknowledgment of the truth of something

4. the fee charged for admission

    Synonym: entrance feeadmission chargeadmission feeadmission priceprice of admissionentrance money

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