
advent是什么意思 advent在线翻译 advent什么意思 advent的意思 advent的翻译 advent的解释 advent的发音 advent的同义词 advent的反义词 advent的例句

advent [ˈædvent]  [ˈædˌvɛnt] 

advent 基本解释


名词出现; 到来; 基督降临节(圣诞节前的四个星期)

advent 相关例句


1. Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a subject of discussion.

advent 网络解释

1. advent的反义词

1. 出现:第一段讲有学者认为女权主义与农奴废除antislavery(1850s)的出现(advent)是一起发生的. . 过去的历史学家将1850年的废奴运动作为妇女运动的发源,因为废奴主义使得女人懂得如何去争取自己的权力. 但是事实上不是这样的.

2. advent什么意思

2. 降临节:莎氏夫人在婚前就已怀孕,所以在降临节(Advent)前几天匆匆忙忙的请求教会举办手续,而且迫不及待的请求特准免去三次预告的手续,因为降临节一开始直到封斋期是不准结婚的.

3. 將臨期:根据大公教会传统,将临期(Advent)乃教会年历之始,即教会的新年. 不同於锣鼓喧天的中国新年,教会的新年重视信徒的自省,一方面准备庆祝纪念基督道成肉身的圣诞奥迹,另一方面,则提醒信徒儆醒,准备基督第二次再临.

4. advent

4. 基督降临节:......请问有谁知道关于基督降临节(Advent)在中国的状况?(印象中大多数中国人不知道基督降临节,但是基督徒应该对此有所认识. )恳请帮忙告知中国基督徒是怎样庆祝的,会有什么活动,谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!......

advent 词典解释

1. (重大事件、发明或情况的)出现,问世,到来
    The advent of an important event, invention, or situation is the fact of it starting or coming into existence.

    e.g. ...the leap forward in communication made possible by the advent of the mobile phone.
    e.g. The advent of war led to a greater austerity.

2. (人物的)到达,到来
    The advent of a person at a place is their arrival there.


    e.g. Deptford had come alive with the advent of the new priest at St Paul's.

advent 单语例句


1. Since its advent in China in 1994, the Internet has progressed by leaps and bounds in the Chinese mainland.

2. Near the advent of the Spring Festival, every family has collected calamus leaves in advance.

3. With the advent of electricity, messages could be transmitted almost instantaneously.

4. Several sociologists said the grassroots movement reflects the advent of a more democratic society and of a public better able to exert its strength.

5. China's star figure skating pairs are starting their final season before the advent of 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics with as set of dazzling new routines.

6. The advent of sustainable biofuels is also an area where the industry is focusing attention, with a view to reducing the carbon impact of flying.

7. The advent of July 24 news has arguably been the single biggest factor in altering the nature and tone of newspapers.

8. The advent of satellite navigation systems has been blamed for an increase in the number of lorries passing through picturesque village across the country.

9. But the advent of Expo 2010 Shanghai has deepened its resolve to locate and destroy signs written in mangled English.

10. The center's research found that spending increases were partly a result of advent of independent " 527 " groups that have overshadowed the 2004 campaign.

advent 英英释义


1. arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)

    e.g. the advent of the computer

    Synonym: coming

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