
advocates是什么意思 advocates在线翻译 advocates什么意思 advocates的意思 advocates的翻译 advocates的解释 advocates的发音 advocates的同义词



advocates 基本解释


提倡者;律师( advocate的名词复数 );辩护律师;基督;拥护;鼓吹;提倡( advocate的第三人称单数 );为…辩护;

advocates 网络解释

1. 拥护者:只有成功地把客户(clients)转变为拥护者(advocates),直至合伙人(partners),才能保证客户流失率(custonerdefection rate)的最小化. 而其中价值认同和情感沟通至关重要. <<大唐华章>>每场演出都是剑南春与当地经销商别开生面的联谊会,

2. 提倡者,贊成者:Prior to 在前,局先︰preceding | Advocates 提倡者,贊成者︰proponents | Unsubstantiated 無確實根據的,未經證實的︰unverified

3. 代讼人:代理领事 pro-consul | 代讼人 advocates | 代通知金 payment in lieu of notice

advocates 单语例句

1. Thousands of workers are employed on the project, which has been criticised by Tibetans'rights advocates.

2. The therapist therefore advocates looking for things that trigger laughter in daily life and activating the laugh reflex.

3. Gay marriage advocates said they were planning nationwide demonstrations this weekend in more than 175 cities and outside the US Capitol.

4. Another major flaw of climate change advocates is that they confuse correlation and causation.

5. But women rights advocates and human rights groups have been appealing to the authorities to grant her clemency.

6. The high death rate has attracted the anger of animal protection advocates, who say there is no useful application for pet cloning.

7. The answer can be found in the realms of the foreign strategy of China that advocates peaceful coexistence along with robust economic growth.

8. Advocates said pressure from law enforcement can drive the industry underground and make it difficult for health workers to reach those in commercial sex.

9. Wang said he advocates family values like compassion and mutual care between colleagues rather than a company environment only interested in profits and production.

10. He said China advocates concord, solidarity and common progress between its different ethnic groups.

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