
ageing是什么意思 ageing在线翻译 ageing什么意思 ageing的意思 ageing的翻译 ageing的解释 ageing的发音 ageing的同义词 ageing的反义词 ageing的例句

ageing [ˈeɪdʒɪŋ]  [ˈedʒɪŋ] 

原级:age第三人称单数:ages第三人称复数:ages现在分词:aging; ageing过去分词:aged过去式:aged

ageing 基本解释

名词老化; 成熟,变老; [冶]时效

形容词老化的; 变老的



ageing 网络解释

1. 老化:此外,老化(ageing)的特性已经藉由引线连接(wire bonding)的方式,让接合石英晶体晶片和封装而获得改善. 为了满足市场对於装置多样化选择的需求,同时因应各种传输设备与基地台的规格,

2. 陈酿:在酿造过程中,淀粉糖化、酒精发酵和陈酿(ageing)作用同时进行,所以糖液浓度不会过高积累. 黄酒经酿成后,酒精含量约为15~20%,营养价值很高.

3. ageing

3. 衰老:老年常与老化或衰老(ageing)相联,老化仅指生物年龄的衰老,而不是以日历年龄或法律年龄为标准.随着世界各国老龄人口比例逐渐增加,人们正以极大的兴趣研究并探索衰老个体的生理或病理状态及其机理,以及防止早老和延缓老化.对老化的原因,

ageing 词典解释

1. 变老的;变旧的;变陈的
    Someone or something that is ageing is becoming older and less healthy or efficient.

    e.g. John lives with his ageing mother...
    e.g. Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.

2. 变老;变陈;变旧
    Ageing is the process of becoming old or becoming worn out.


ageing 单语例句


1. ADC is a popular domestic airline with an ageing fleet of Boeing jets.

2. Hainan is one of China's provinces where ageing develops the fastest, and elderly people comprise the highest proportion of the population.

3. The ageing population supported by a predictably decreasing number of adult pension contributors is among them.

4. Han said it opened up a new path for the scientific community to decode the secret of human cell ageing.

5. The event is hosted by the China Ageing Development Foundation and National Committee for Respecting the Old and Caring for the Young.

6. " Gender is an important issue in the ageing society, " she said.

7. As one of the effective techniques for helping the skin combat ageing and sun damage, microdermabrasion has been a popular treatment sought from plastic surgeons and beauty therapists.

8. The team were dubbed'Jurassic'for using outdated tactics while the manager was criticised for selecting an ageing squad and adopting an overly cautious approach.

9. With the balding maestro now retired France needs to find a new talisman and the right balance between ageing stalwarts and exciting youngsters.

10. Experts on ageing say a remarriage often improves health among widowed seniors by helping them regain faith in life and feel less lonely.

ageing 英英释义


1. the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age

    Synonym: agingsenescence

2. acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time

    Synonym: ripeningaging



1. growing old

    Synonym: agingsenescent

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