
agency是什么意思 agency在线翻译 agency什么意思 agency的意思 agency的翻译 agency的解释 agency的发音 agency的同义词 agency的反义词 agency的例句

agency [ˈeɪdʒənsi]  [ˈedʒənsi] 


agency 基本解释

名词代理; 机构; 力量


agency 情景对话


B:I’ve been thinking about doing some temp work.

A:This agency had lots of (work/ assignments/ infomp3ation*) for me.

agency 网络解释

1. 代理:(四)船上交货(FOB)(一) 包销(Exclusive Sale)方式(二) 代理(Agency)方式对等贸易(Counter Trade)也称对销贸易或反向贸易,一般认为这是一种以货物或劳务(包括工业产权和专有技术等无形财产) 作为偿付贷款手段的一种贸易方式.

2. agency

2. 代理商:这种广告软件工具,可以监测到单个电脑服务器上生成广告的有关数据,然后可以把数据传送给网站. 这样广告代理商(Agency)就不用与可能出现广告的每个网站逐一联络、而可以自动更换广告的内容,同时可掌握到更新用户电脑的阅读数据.

agency 词典解释

1. 经销;代理;经销店;代理公司
    An agency is a business which provides a service on behalf of other businesses.

    e.g. We had to hire maids through an agency.
    e.g. ...a successful advertising agency.

2. (政府的)局,处,署,专业行政部门
    An agency is a government organization responsible for a certain area of administration.

    e.g. ...the government agency which monitors health and safety at work in Britain...
    e.g. Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

agency 单语例句

1. As is customary in China, the government agency and the business corporation are actually one entity with two identities.

2. A federal court in California has held that the Clean Water Act applies to ballast water and ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges.

3. The old man used to operate a travel agency in Hefei, but did little business.

4. Some suggest that a special government agency needs to be established to act as the sole owner of the banks.

5. One of the agency's functions is to establish Party offices in companies and provide staff members to act as branch secretaries and organize activities.

6. This agency would act as a representative of the State as the owner to these assets and also manage the assets directly.

7. The sentence was handed down by the Hangzhou Intermediate People's Court on Tuesday, according to Xinhua News Agency.

8. A travel agency in India is running a charter flight to watch the eclipse by air.

9. The agency hopes viewers of its NASA TV channel will follow the astronauts'lead - without the unique difficulties posed by zero gravity.

10. The agency later retracted the downgrade report, claiming it had been sent by mistake.

agency 英英释义


1. how a result is obtained or an end is achieved

    e.g. a means of control
           an example is the best agency of instruction
           the true way to success

    Synonym: meansway

2. a business that serves other businesses

3. an administrative unit of government

    e.g. the Central Intelligence Agency
           the Census Bureau
           Office of Management and Budget
           Tennessee Valley Authority

    Synonym: federal agencygovernment agencybureauofficeauthority

4. the state of serving as an official and authorized delegate or agent

    Synonym: representationdelegacy

5. the state of being in action or exerting power

    e.g. the agency of providence
           she has free agency

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