
alert是什么意思 alert在线翻译 alert什么意思 alert的意思 alert的翻译 alert的解释 alert的发音 alert的同义词 alert的反义词 alert的例句

alert [əˈlɜ:t]  [əˈlɜ:rt] 


alert 基本解释

形容词警觉的,警惕的,注意的; 思维敏捷的; 活泼的

名词警报; 警戒状态


alert 相关例句


1. The boy was alert in answering the stranger's questions.

2. alert

2. You must keep alert in class.


1. The doctor alerted me to the danger of a heart attack.

2. She's alerted me for weekend duty.


1. She was always on the alert for some new calamities.

alert 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 警告:以及Bently Nevada电涡流传感器),每个通道最多4个变量,具有独立积分和滤波控制,某些变量具有多达八极点的滤波,24位A/D转换器,25 kHz 带宽,4通道温度输入(E、J、K和 T 型热电偶),2级报警 - 警告(ALERT)和危险(DANGER),

2. 报警:选择的流程(Flow)(5),请注意鼠标指针的更改(6)(使用流程工具时,光标形状有所变化以表示当前位置是否可以作为流程定义的来源或目标). 12、 单击报 警(Alert)模式 trigger (7),以指定目标,这样就出现一个箭头

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 机警的:见过面对媒体英气逼人的晓明,再感受到晓明在明教中的那种放松,我能够很清楚的感受到晓明在工作中和生活中的两种不同状态. 工作时的他是机警的(alert),职业化的(professional)和专注的(dedicated),但是看起来很严肃,笑容仿佛穿上了无形的盔甲,时时防备着明枪暗箭.

4. 警报:过去他曾担任采访性杂志<<警报>>(Alert)的主编,也出版过不少著作. 他的作品中包括朋克乐手尼克凯夫(Nick Cave)以及德国工业乐团(Einstürzende Neubauten)的自传. 沙弗瑞祖拉沃斯基毕业于波兰罗兹国际电影学校,

alert 词典解释

1. 警觉的;警惕的;留神的;机敏的
    If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen.

    e.g. We all have to stay alert...
    e.g. He had been spotted by an alert neighbour.

The drug improved mental alertness.

2. 充分意识到…的;完全感觉到…的
    If you are alert to something, you are fully aware of it.

    e.g. The bank is alert to the danger.

3. 警戒(状态);戒备(状态)
    An alert is a situation in which people prepare themselves for something dangerous that might happen soon.

    e.g. Due to a security alert, this train will not be stopping at Oxford Circus.

4. 向…报警;使警觉;使警惕;使注意
    If you alert someone to a situation, especially a dangerous or unpleasant situation, you tell them about it.

    e.g. He wanted to alert people to the activities of the group...
    e.g. I was hoping he'd alert the police.

5. see also: red alert

6. 处于警戒状态;保持戒备
    If soldiers or police are on alert, they are ready to deal with anything that may happen.


    e.g. Soldiers and police have been put on alert.

7. 准备就绪;防备着
    If you are on the alert for something, you are ready to deal with it if it happens.

    e.g. They want to be on the alert for similar buying opportunities.

alert 单语例句

1. Local police had been on alert after 18 similar cases of released worms had been reported this month by the same train operator.

2. Several active volcanos in Indonesia have been predicted month before eruption and the officials raise their alert status gradually before reaching to the top.

3. Canberra had already urged Australians to be on the alert, warning of a greater risk of attacks in Indonesia over Christmas and New Year.

4. " We should be alert to too much foreign capital chasing domestic assets, " Wu said.

5. The power company in the provincial capital Guangzhou issued a red alert on electricity consumption in May.

6. GNS Science maintained Tongariro's Volcanic Alert Level at Level 2, indicating that activity is low level but renewed unrest is possible.

7. Increased earthquake activity over the past 48 hours prompted scientists to raise the alert level for Mount Redoubt on Sunday.

8. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security caution that the US is in a heightened state of alert against terrorism.

9. The National Meteorological Center issued a yellow alert on Wednesday morning for heavy rain across parts of China.

10. The Central Meteorological Station issued this winter's first orange alert for cold temperatures on Tuesday night.

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