
alignment是什么意思 alignment在线翻译 alignment什么意思 alignment的意思 alignment的翻译 alignment的解释 alignment的发音 alignment的同义词

alignment [əˈlaɪnmənt]  [əˈlaɪnmənt] 


alignment 基本解释


名词结盟; 队列,排成直线; 校直,调整; [工]准线

alignment 相关词组

1. in alignment : 成一直线;

2. out of alignment : 不成一直线;

alignment 相关例句


1. alignment什么意思

1. The troops were in perfect alignment.

alignment 网络解释

1. 对准:电弧融接法是最常用应用最多的方法. 仪器一般包括四个部分:光纤的准直与加紧机构,光纤的对准机构,电弧放电机构,电弧放电和电机驱动的控制机构. 要求通过预习和实验,对各部分有深入的了解和认识. 准直(collimating)与对准(alignment)部件非常精密,严禁用手触摸,保持距离.

2. alignment

2. 对齐:考文献说明 家庭作业 练习题答案 第3章 程序的机器级表示 3.1 历史观点 3.2 程序编码 3.3 数据格式 3.4 访问信息 3.5 算术和逻辑操作 3.6 控制 3.7 过程 3.8 数组分配和访问 3.9 异类的数据结构 3.10 对齐(alignment) 3.11 综合:

3. alignment的近义词

3. 校准:质发展与应用状况、BSC与策略管理、BSC与绩效管理、BSC与其他管理技术连结、BSC与公司治理、BSC与个人天赋策略、何谓调和.校准.(Alignment) 、协同.综效(Synergies) 、连结.聚焦(Focus)等BSC重要观念,让优势顾问师拥有对BSC更深入之认识及进阶运用.

alignment 词典解释

1. 结盟;联合
    An alignment is support for a particular group, especially in politics, or for a side in a quarrel or struggle.

    e.g. The church should have no political alignment...
    e.g. His increasing alignment with the Reagan administration nearly cost him re-election.

2. 调准;校正
    The alignment of something is its position in relation to something else or to its correct position.


    e.g. ...the alignment of mirrors in the telescope.

alignment 单语例句

1. This takes the speculative air out of the bubble in commodity prices and drops the price back to a closer alignment with demand and supply.

2. This is in alignment with China's sustainable development and the interests of all countries in the world.

3. The media escalation comes in alignment with ongoing clashes in the Syrian capital Damascus, in which the government forces and opposition fighters have been fighting since Sunday.

4. In such circumstances occurred the tragic incident of Cheonan, providing a valuable opportunity to the US to recharge the security alignment in East Asia.

5. So no major realignment of the yuan can be expected without a more general alignment such as occurred after the 1985 Plaza Accord.

6. While all branding signals must be in alignment with the brand driver to be effective, not all are equal in their impact on consumers.

7. And Thai leaders have been known to avoid the press by citing an unfavorable astrological alignment for answering questions.

8. Liu checked Li's back to confirm his suspicion and found the third lumbar of the vertebra was out of alignment.

9. Alignment with national and international practices worldwide means that highly mobile ISB students flourish at schools throughout the globe.

10. If an alignment is to be achieved, the US has to alter its economic and foreign policies and defense strategy.


alignment 英英释义


1. the act of adjusting or aligning the parts of a device in relation to each other

2. the spatial property possessed by an arrangement or position of things in a straight line or in parallel lines

3. (astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the zodiac

    Synonym: conjunction

4. an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty

    Synonym: alliancecoalitionalinement

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