
alligator是什么意思 alligator在线翻译 alligator什么意思 alligator的意思 alligator的翻译 alligator的解释 alligator的发音 alligator的同义词

alligator [ˈælɪgeɪtə(r)]  [ˈælɪˌɡetɚ] 


alligator 基本解释

名词短吻鳄; 短吻鳄皮革; 鳄口式工具

alligator 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 美洲鳄鱼:夜色将鳄鱼掩藏在了深黑的潭水中,虽然看不真切他们的身形,不过当电筒光扫过,眼前浮现出数对红色的亮点时,兴奋之情还是难抑的. 这一夜的探险,每个人都是满载而归. 就这样,偶们与大沼泽的野生美洲鳄鱼(alligator)打了第一个照面.

2. 美洲鳄:这里的鳄鱼叫美洲鳄(alligator),比非洲鳄(crocodile)小,没有非洲鳄凶猛. 沼泽、鳄鱼、漂亮的飞鸟、蛇、龟...看到这些平时很难见到的景色和生物,感觉很过瘾. 早餐后驱车进入乔治亚州,沿I-95和I-16找到乔治亚的旅游小城萨凡纳(Savannah)市.

alligator 词典解释

1. 短吻鳄
    An alligator is a large reptile with short legs, a long tail and very powerful jaws.


2. (靴子、提包等)鳄鱼皮制的
    Alligator boots and bags are made from the skin of an alligator.

    e.g. ...alligator cowboy boots.

alligator 单语例句

1. Apparel brand Lacoste will work with organizations in China to save the endangered Yangtze alligator.

2. Police have returned an alligator to its circus home after it escaped and was found loitering outside a motorcycle shop in a small German town.

3. Maybe this Burmese python learned a lesson from the one that tried to eat an alligator but exploded because its prey was so big.

4. The alligator apparently then strolled through the living room, down a hall and into the kitchen before a trapper removed it.

5. Beyonce Knowles has been blasted by animal rights activists for abusing a baby alligator while shooting the cover for her new album.

6. Florida's alligator population had once dwindled to the point that the reptile was placed on the federal list of endangered species.

7. Two American men pleaded guilty to a breaking and entering charge after stealing a preserved alligator from a private barn.

8. A restaurant in east China's Anhui Province has triggered a heated debate after putting an extremely endangered alligator species on its menu.

9. It is home to more than 500 species, including 91 nationally protected animals such as the Chinese alligator and white fin globefish.

10. An alligator has been crawling out of the pond in the back of her house and sunning in the yard.

alligator 英英释义



1. either of two amphibious reptiles related to crocodiles but with shorter broader snouts

    Synonym: gator

2. leather made from alligator's hide


1. crack and acquire the appearance of alligator hide, as from weathering or improper application
    of paint and varnishes

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