
almond是什么意思 almond在线翻译 almond什么意思 almond的意思 almond的翻译 almond的解释 almond的发音 almond的同义词 almond的反义词 almond的例句

almond [ˈɑ:mənd]  [ˈɑmənd] 


almond 基本解释

名词杏树; 杏仁色; 杏仁状的东西; 扁桃仁

形容词杏仁制的; 杏仁味的; 杏仁状(或色)的

almond 相关例句


1. almond什么意思

1. Almonds are used extensively in confectionery.

almond 网络解释

1. 杏仁:花箴言 : 不要因同情4 月 1 日 杏仁 (Almond) 花语 : 真爱 花占卜 : 您是一个理性及求知欲很强的人,凡3 月 21 日 樱兰 (HoneyPlant) 花语 : 人生起点 花占卜 : 您是个含蓄、内向的人,不敢将自己的感情流露出来,常常言不由衷,

2. 扁桃:A.Hofmann,1929)从蜗牛(Helix pomatia)的胃液(中肠腺分泌液)中发现的,性质不详. 此外,在昆虫的蜕皮腺分泌液中也可找到,具有消化和吸收老的角质层的作用. 在昆虫的蜕皮液、扁桃(almond)的果皮和霉状菌中也有所发现.

3. 杏仁色:色彩的体系大体上以粉红色系、赭石色(法ocre)系、杏仁色(almond)系、橄榄色(olive)系为代表,大致上来说赭石色系是与东方人最能搭配的色彩. 而肌肤白皙的人应以粉红色系为主.

4. 巴旦杏:damson 大马士革李 | almond 巴旦杏 | nutmeg 肉豆蔻

almond 词典解释

1. 杏仁
    Almonds are pale oval nuts. They are often used in cooking.


    e.g. ...sponge cake flavoured with almonds.

2. 杏树
    An almond or an almond tree, is a tree on which almonds grow.

    e.g. On the left was a plantation of almond trees.
    e.g. ...groves of almond and cherry.

almond 单语例句


1. Amy Adams knew she was pregnant when she started to crave almond milk.

2. The goose liver starter is served with almond gel and parsnips for him, and with a torchon macaroon and soy caramel for her.

3. Wife cake is a traditional Chinese pastry that has minced mixture of winter melon, almond paste and sesame wrapped in a flaky and thin skin.

4. So we did the natural thing and ordered a platter of sweets that included various almond pastries and cakes and the sticky sweet baklava.

5. The almond feast started with two cold dishes - almond salmagundi and garlic flavoured almonds, lily and long beans.

6. You can also form little dough balls and press a single almond into the center for those who prefer a cookie that's not so sweet.

7. Her almond eyes flirt sidelong at the viewer as a halo of curled snakes rises behind her.

8. There are plenty of vegetables and mushrooms to choose from and the golden squash puree with almond is a really good dessert.

9. Surrounding these conceits are bits of pear cooked in red wine, almond " snow " and dabs of pistachio cream.

10. Serve in small glass coupes or bowls with a sweetened cream or custard, and top with an Almond Macaroon.

almond 英英释义


1. oval-shaped edible seed of the almond tree

2. small bushy deciduous tree native to Asia and North Africa having pretty pink blossoms and highly prized edible nuts enclosed in a hard green hull
    cultivated in southern Australia and California

    Synonym: sweet almondPrunus dulcisPrunus amygdalusAmygdalus communis

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