
alpine是什么意思 alpine在线翻译 alpine什么意思 alpine的意思 alpine的翻译 alpine的解释 alpine的发音 alpine的同义词 alpine的反义词 alpine的例句

alpine [ˈælpaɪn]  [ˈælˌpaɪn] 


alpine 基本解释

形容词高山的; 阿尔卑斯山的; 阿尔卑斯山区居民的


alpine 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 阿尔派:所属类别 影音播放 所属品牌 阿尔派(Alpine)影音播放 产品介绍 6-1/2英寸(16厘米)2分频分体式扬声器 最大输出功率:250W 持续输出功率50W 频响范围:35Hz30kHz 阻抗:4欧姆 1英寸球顶形软膜高音扬声器外...

2. 高山:项目背景 高山(alpine)是指垂直地带性谱上天然树线之上的部分. 高山生态系统主要由灌丛、草原和流石滩三种植被类型组成. 隔绝的进化环境、极端差异的气候和土壤条件使

3. alpine

3. 阿尔派恩:内陆的地方,尤其是山中的主要居民当时是、现今仍然是所谓阿尔派恩(Alpine)族. 他们具有中等的身材,中间的肤色,宽而圆的头骨,低矮肥胖. 他们是从东北方侵入欧洲的. 第三个种族可以叫做北方族. 他们集中在波罗的海沿岸,并且向外扩散出去,

alpine 词典解释

1. (尤指位于瑞士的)高山的
    Alpine means existing in or relating to mountains, especially the ones in Switzerland.

    e.g. ...grassy, alpine meadows.
    e.g. ...picturesque alpine villages.

2. 高山植物
    Alpines are small flowering plants that grow high up on mountains and are sometimes grown in gardens. There are many different types of alpines.


alpine 单语例句

1. Alpine glaciers melt, unleashing a cascade of rocks and endangering hikers.

2. Even an aimless amble through the alpine meadows full of wildflowers is to experience a freedom seldom known by city folks.

3. Kuwait and the UAE are fielding men's ice hockey teams while Palestine has an alpine skier.

4. Even if Jiuzhaigou is better than all the alpine valleys, it is pretty hard to justify the cost of getting there.

5. The central Swiss city is blessed with amazing Alpine and lake scenery, and has kept its medieval heart intact alongside stylish new architecture.

6. The spirit of the Games was exemplified by Alpine skier Hermann Maier.

7. Many botanist enjoyed seeing many interesting and beautiful alpine plants there, including a blue poppy that I thought only grew in the Himalayas.

8. Whether the lucrative winter sports extravaganza will be played out amid Alpine scenes, against a Canadian vista or a South Korean backdrop will be revealed on Wednesday.

9. The grey shade of the dead bamboo, the karstic rocks and the alpine meadows covered with flowers give Shennongjia an unforgettable landscape.

10. It's based on the appellation of Bigfoot's Chinese cousin, the hairy hominid that some believe lurks in the alpine woodlands of Hubei province's Shennongjia.

alpine 英英释义



1. living or growing above the timber line

    e.g. alpine flowers

2. relating to or characteristic of alps

    e.g. alpine sports

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