
alternative是什么意思 alternative在线翻译 alternative什么意思 alternative的意思 alternative的翻译 alternative的解释 alternative的发音

alternative [ɔ:lˈtɜ:nətɪv]  [ɔ:lˈtɜ:rnətɪv] 


alternative 基本解释

形容词替代的; 另类的; 备选的; 其他的


alternative 相关例句


1. There was no alternative route open to her.

2. alternative的反义词

2. The way was blocked, so we went by an alternative road.


1. If you don't like the school lunch, you have the alternative of bringing your own.

2. What alternatives are there?

3. alternative的反义词

3. They had no alternative in the matter.

alternative 网络解释

1. alternative的意思

1. 选择:到1995年底,乐队又发行了一张双CD碟<<选择>>(Alternative),这张专辑纵跨了他们从艺十年的经典作品,充分展现了流行舞曲在这十年里的发展. 在不断创作不同风格的舞曲的同时,宠物店男孩还尝试着在1997年3月发行了单曲<<假日>>---一首由古典音乐改编的电子舞曲.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 非主流的:既是流行与可爱的,又是实验的;既是微限(minimal)与mondo的,又是迷幻的(psychedelic),既是电子化与前卫摇滚的,又是ROCK'n'ROLL的,既是幽默的与狡猾的,又是坦率的;既是new wave与非主流的(alternative)的,以又是funk的,

alternative 词典解释

The form alternate is sometimes used, especially in American English, instead of alternative in meanings 3, 4, and 5. 尤其在美国英语中,当alternative作义项3、4和5解时,有时可用alternate替代。

1. 可供选择的;可供替代的
    If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second.

    e.g. New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers.

2. 备选的;备用的;其他的
    An alternative plan or offer is different from the one that you already have, and can be done or used instead.

    e.g. There were alternative methods of travel available...
    e.g. They had a right to seek alternative employment.

3. 非传统的;另类的
    Alternative is used to describe something that is different from the usual things of its kind, or the usual ways of doing something, in modern Western society. For example, an alternative lifestyle does not follow conventional ways of living and working.


    e.g. ...unconventional parents who embraced the alternative lifestyle of the Sixties...
    e.g. If you like alternative comedy you'll love this book.

4. (医疗)传统的,替代的(如提取植物成分制成药物、按摩和针灸)
    Alternative medicine uses traditional ways of curing people, such as medicines made from plants, massage, and acupuncture.


    e.g. ...alternative health care.

5. (能源)替代的,代用的
    Alternative energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power.


alternative 单语例句


1. Kong and fellow alternative energy producers have been enjoying booming business since the end of June.

2. If you are tired of the perpetual work in the urban hustle and bustle, a date with the sky is a perfect alternative.

3. It would mean public housing tenants who had been buying up private properties suddenly had found an attractive alternative.

4. School district spokesman Norm Uhl said that the kindergartner could face disciplinary action including being sent to an alternative school for up to 180 days.

5. China can afford to invest massively in alternative energy and public transportation.

6. Even the importation of cheap ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane would not enable this alternative to oil to achieve a breakthrough.

7. Moreover, encouraging capital outflows is also an alternative to counter currency appreciation.

8. The Foundations singer revealed the alternative career plan during an interview with Time Out.

9. So developing CCS or an alternative that allows coal to become clean energy is essential for meeting the 2050 goal.

10. The central government began to adopt special financial and taxation policies in 2006 to encourage development of alternative energy projects with subsidies and tax breaks.


alternative 英英释义


1. one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen

    e.g. what option did I have?
           there no other alternative
           my only choice is to refuse

    Synonym: optionchoice


1. necessitating a choice between mutually exclusive possibilities

    e.g. alternative possibilities were neutrality or war

2. pertaining to unconventional choices

    e.g. an alternative life style

3. serving or used in place of another

    e.g. an alternative plan

    Synonym: alternatesubstitute

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