
ammonia是什么意思 ammonia在线翻译 ammonia什么意思 ammonia的意思 ammonia的翻译 ammonia的解释 ammonia的发音 ammonia的同义词 ammonia的反义词

ammonia [əˈməʊniə]  [əˈmoʊniə] 

ammonia 基本解释

名词氨; 氨水; 氨气

ammonia 网络解释

1. ammonia的近义词

1. 氨:Stanley Miller) 进行了一项研究,他模拟地球初期的条件,将甲烷 (methane) 、氨 (ammonia) 、氢 (hydrogen) 和水混合,通过电流,成功产生了几种复杂的有机化合物 (organic compounds) 氨基酸 (amino acid) ,这些氨基酸是组成生命的成分;

2. ammonia的近义词

2. 氨水:然后坐电梯下楼 15.到最右边,和那个怪胎讲讲话,尝试去拿(Get)桌上左侧的圆盘(Quad-Ccomputerchip) 16.使用(Use)桌子下的防毒面具(gasmask) 17.把(Use)氨水(ammonia)加到水桶裡,拿走晶片(Quad-Ccomputerchip) 18.往左走到bar台,

3. ammonia

3. 氨气:像抽烟一样,抽雪茄烟所发出的烟,含有很多有害的物质,如可以致癌的镉(cadmium)、尼古丁(nicotine)、氨气(ammonia)、一氧化碳(carbon monoxide)等. 雪茄的烟所含的氨气,比香烟的含量 大二十倍,而雪茄烟所含的镉,是香烟的五至十倍;

4. 氮:产品名称:HANNA 氨氮(Ammonia)化学测试组测试项目:氨氮(Ammonia) 分析法:比色法 范围ppm:0~2.5 解析度ppm:0.5 试剂可使用次数:25

ammonia 词典解释

1. 氨;氨水
    Ammonia is a colourless liquid or gas with a strong, sharp smell. It is used in making household cleaning substances.

ammonia 单语例句

1. Authorities in Raisen were trying to find out whether the leaked gas was ammonia or chlorine.

2. The rescue resumed on Wednesday after a suspected ammonia gas leak from the rubble.

3. They headed back to the air lock, and inspected their suits and equipment for ammonia crystals.

4. The first time was for a false alarm of an ammonia spill.

5. " This isn't your household cleaner ammonia, " Fincke said before flight.

6. The spilled ammonia soon gathered into smoke and spread through the whole factory, blurring rooms and resulting in sore eyes and fainting among the workers.

7. The ammonia spilled from a burst container in the Southwest food and beverage factory as several workers dismantled old equipment around 3 pm.

8. Bits of black gelatinous preserved eggs popped up as I stirred and the distinctive scent of sulfur and ammonia wafted up.

9. HOUSTON - At least 17 people were sickened Friday in an ammonia leak at a northeast meat packing plant in the US state of Texas.

10. He also pointed out other problems in the pollution control process, including ammonia nitrogen pollution and low efficiency in the sewage treatment rate in urban districts.

ammonia 英英释义


1. a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen (NH3)

2. a water solution of ammonia

    Synonym: ammonia waterammonium hydroxide

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