
ample是什么意思 ample在线翻译 ample什么意思 ample的意思 ample的翻译 ample的解释 ample的发音 ample的同义词 ample的反义词 ample的例句

ample [ˈæmpl]  [ˈæmpəl] 


ample 基本解释


形容词足够的; 充足的,丰富的; 宽敞的,广大的; 富裕的

ample 相关例句


1. This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.

2. There is ample reason to believe that the man is innocent.

3. We've got an ample lawn.

4. ample

4. We have an ample supply of water.

5. We have ample money for the journey.

ample 网络解释

1. 充足的:事实胜于雄辩,大量的、充足的(ample)实例(sample),足以说明一切问题了. 我的早餐:把苹果(apple)去掉一层皮(p),再加上一块麦当劳(m)汉堡,就很丰富(ample)了.

2. ample是什么意思

2. 许多:许多plenty of ; many ; much ; a great deal of ; a lot of ; ample | 非常多(大)的tremendous | 依序列举list in sequence

3. 广大的;宽敞的;充足的:2、adequate 足够的;适当的 | 3、ample 广大的;宽敞的;充足的 | 4、decent 合宜的;得体的;适当的

4. 广大的,丰富的:amphoteric element 两性元素 | ample广大的,丰富的 | amplification放大倍数,放大率

ample 词典解释

1. 大量的;充裕的;丰富的
    If there is an ample amount of something, there is enough of it and usually some extra.

    e.g. There'll be ample opportunity to relax, swim and soak up some sun...
    e.g. The design of the ground floor created ample space for a good-sized kitchen.

They have been amply rewarded with huge salaries.

2. (身材)丰满的
    If you describe someone's figure as ample, you mean that they are large in a pleasant or attractive way.

    e.g. ...a young mother with a baby resting against her ample bosom.

ample 单语例句

1. The triple C 2004 is a deep, complex integrated wine that has an ample aging capacity.

2. China launched the housing presale system in 1994, allowing developers to secure ample capital for project construction with home buyers'down payments.

3. The company plans to reduce capital expenditure by a quarter to $ 320 million in 2009 to guarantee ample cash flow.

4. The week's catwalk shows offered an ample opportunity for designers from both home and abroad to show off their autumn and winter collections.

5. There will be ample parking at the festival and chauffeur services for drivers who have been drinking.

6. Chinese shares rose slightly Thursday after the central bank pledged to maintain ample liquidity in the financial system on the previous night.

7. While the competition generated ample publicity for Kris Ryan's new venue, fans of The Saddle and Cox will no doubt conclude that the hype is justified.

8. He said he believed KBC AM would gain a lot from its advanced technology, ample experience and the best design for products.

9. In addition to the ample faunal resources, the park also boasts a large variety of floral resources.

10. The Court of Appeal stressed that the judge did not only do so in his judgment but actually had given more than ample coverage.


ample 英英释义


1. affording an abundant supply

    e.g. had ample food for the party
           copious provisions
           food is plentiful
           a plenteous grape harvest
           a rich supply

    Synonym: copiousplenteousplentifulrich

2. more than enough in size or scope or capacity

    e.g. had ample food for the party
           an ample supply

3. fairly large

    e.g. a sizable fortune
           an ample waistline
           of ample proportions

    Synonym: sizablesizeable

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