
annoy是什么意思 annoy在线翻译 annoy什么意思 annoy的意思 annoy的翻译 annoy的解释 annoy的发音 annoy的同义词 annoy的反义词 annoy的例句

annoy [əˈnɔɪ]  [əˈnɔɪ] 


annoy 基本解释

及物动词打扰; 干扰; 使烦恼; 使恼怒




annoy 相关例句


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1. We can annoy the enemy by raids.

2. His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors.

3. annoy是什么意思

3. These flies are annoying me.

4. annoy的解释

4. He looked annoyed.

annoy 网络解释

1. annoy

1. 骚扰:小女孩做的事不曾骚扰(annoy)任何人,她们很快拧干了衣服重新穿上--像船过水无痕,什么麻烦(trouble)都没有留下. 不能想象,如果当天校长一声吼骂,会给那次快乐的海滩之旅带来多么愁惨尴尬的阴影. 那些小女孩会永远记得自己当众丢了丑,

2. 生气:7.关于怪物:既然是怪物就肯定有怪脾气,它们很容易生气(Annoy),也许是因为找不到筑巢用的泥潭,也许是饿了(Hungary)或是没领到工资(Pay),总之原因很多.

3. 使苦恼, 骚扰:eurytrophy 广幅营养植物, 广幅营养性 | annoy 使苦恼, 骚扰 | pin marker 测针记号

4. 使烦恼; 打扰:anecdote 轶事 | annoy 使烦恼; 打扰 | annual 每年的, 年度的

annoy 词典解释

1. 使生气;使不耐烦;使烦恼
    If someone or something annoys you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.


    e.g. Try making a note of the things which annoy you...
    e.g. It annoyed me that I didn't have time to do more reading...

annoy 单语例句

1. Downer said that because of Australia's active military role in removing Saddam from power, a boycott of the country's wheat would annoy many Australians.

2. And this being New York, it soon began to annoy other New Yorkers.

3. This will annoy the historian who wants truth unvarnished, since the real warriors of 480 BC would have worn fairly extensive body armor.

4. With each passing day the fireworks subside somewhat, but still annoy those attempting to return to work in peace.

5. Yet for all he's done to annoy foes on and off the ice, this is the first time he's been suspended by the league.

6. The only thing that used to annoy me was how the Help wouldn't laugh at the funny bits just in case I didn't approve.

7. The frequent " supergroup " references annoy Weiland, noting that such combos rarely fulfill their potential.

8. The transvestites sometimes annoy female students when using the women's bathrooms, and may face harassment in the men's facilities.

9. I don't know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense.

10. Even though I like her, this little thing about her has started to annoy me.

annoy 英英释义


1. cause annoyance in
    disturb, especially by minor irritations

    e.g. Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me
           It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves

    Synonym: ragget tobotherget atirritaterilenarknettlegravelvexchafedevil

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